What To Do When Your Luggage Doesn’t Arrive When You Do

There have been a handful of times when I have arrived at my destination city and my luggage hasn’t. If you are a frequent flyer then you too have likely experienced the following: standing solo next to the baggage carousel long after the rest of your fellow passengers have been reunited with their luggage wondering if perhaps a handler had simply forgot to take your bags off the plane. Then reality sets in and you are sure your bags are half way to Timbuktu. Now what? If your wedding dress, lucky business suit or pricey Manolo Blahnik’s were tucked away … Continue reading

Travel Updates: More Unique Turkey Day Travel Destinations and No More Lost Luggage

For the past few weeks I’ve been providing alternative destinations for those of you who are fed up with spending Thanksgiving Day passing the potatoes to your pea-throwing younger cousins and having to share a sofa bed with your second cousin’s snoring Saint Bernard. This next Turkey Day destination will have you flying far, far away from Aunt Lucy’s creamed corn—-all the way to the other side of the Atlantic. Italy is a great place to celebrate this all-American holiday with some new friends. Specifically at the Bauer Hotel in Venice. That’s where you’ll find Francesca Bortolotto Possati, the owner … Continue reading

Your Bag Could Be Next

Just in time for the holiday crush the U.S. Department of Transportation released new figures revealing how many weary travelers were forced to deal with missing bag syndrome last year. According to the new report, U.S. carriers misplaced an average of 6.73 bags for every 1,000 customers in 2006, up from 6.64 bags per thousand the previous year. That’s more than four million bags that went missing last year in the U.S. alone. And more bad news—while the majority of the bags were reunited with their owners within 48 hours, thousands of pieces of luggage were permanently lost. Is your … Continue reading