Does Your Guy Like Chick Flicks?

If so, is he open about it or a closet chick flick fan? Or maybe a little of both? Open Fans One couple we’re friends with the husband actually seems to like chick flicks more than the wife. He’s not embarrassed at all about admitting he likes them. In fact, he’ll turn the tables on any guy who tries to shame him for it. He’ll say things like, “You don’t know how many great movies you miss if you don’t give them a chance.” Or, “Don’t fault me for being in touch with my feminine side. You should try it. … Continue reading

Love & Romance: This Day in History

I have found it impossible to carry on the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge the duties of king, as I would wish to do, without the help and support of the woman I love. – These were the words spoken by then, King Edward VIII, great grandson of Queen Victoria and Uncle to the current reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. He gave the radio address during the evening of December 11, 1936. Born in 1896, Edward was groomed for the throne since birth, but remained unmarried as he neared his 40th birthday. In 1934, he met and fell … Continue reading