Do You Love Him More or Just Express It More?

Many of the articles in marriage have focused on feelings, love, and relationship dynamics. In a previous article, Courtney discussed how she taught that she possibly loved her husband more than her loves her. In some ways, I will have to agree with Courtney. It is very possible for one partner to love the other more. Sometimes one partner is unhappy or not content in the relationship. Yet I do not see this pattern in Courtney’s marriage at all. However, I would like to give my input on this situation. I too have been in a relationship where I have … Continue reading

The Triangle of Love

What is the triangle of love? In a marriage, the triangle of love is the foundation that helps a couple weather the better or worse that they swear to in their marriage vows. So what is the triangle of love? It’s comprised from: Compassion Passion Forgiveness Compassion is the emotion that allows us to empathize and sympathize. When we love someone, we feel their pain and we want to make their pain better. Compassion teaches us to listen carefully and not to leap to judgment. Compassion teaches us to see things beyond our own point of view and to truly … Continue reading