Love: Quotes and Passages From the Heart – B. C. Aronson

Just in time for Valentine’s Day I found Love: Quotes and Passages from the Heart. This book is a collection of over 400 quotes and passages on the subject of love. The quotes are from famous spiritual leaders, writers, politicians, actors, artists, and philosophers. John Donne, Robert Louis Stevenson, Barbara Kingsolver, Margaret Atwood, Helen Keller, Abraham Lincoln, Friedrich Nietzsche, Woody Allen, and C. S. Lewis all have ideas about love. The book is edited by B. C. Aronson. In her introduction she explains that love means different things to different people. She’s divided this collection of quotes into eleven chapters: … Continue reading

Do You Love Quotes?

Happy Friday! I’m ready for the weekend here, but before I signed off on our Friday fun, I wanted to remember our marriage humor and good quotes. Some of the following are funny, some are touching and some are just exactly what they are. Print out this little list of gems and hang them on your fridge or near your desk where you can see them and they can inspire you and your spouse! Have a great rest of your Friday! Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking. Chinese Proverb There is no … Continue reading