Rest in Peace Mrs. Loving

Last year I asked you if you knew who Mildred Loving was. Historically, Mildred Loving did one truly great thing — she married for love. Over 40 years ago, she married Richard Loving, a white man in Virginia. Her marriage to him was illegal as interracial marriage was a source of outrage in the state. They were actually run out of the state and eventually, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the laws banning their marriage. Marrying for Love True love doesn’t recognize color, creed, religion or boundaries of any kind. True love seeks to fulfill itself and to expand beyond … Continue reading

Loving & Being Loved

Do you have trouble with intimacy? Is it hard for you to believe that someone can love you deeply? Don’t be hard on yourself; you are not alone. I know a lot of married couples and I know any number of wives and husbands who are not certain about how much they are loved. You may wonder how this is possible? I’ll tell you how. We Need Intimacy As a species, we need intimacy. We need it as much as we need air. We need sustenance, we need shelter and we need intimacy. The root behind any relationship, good, bad … Continue reading

Relationship Help

Relationship help can come in many forms. The trick to finding the help that will work for your relationship is discovering what works for the individuals involved. The truth is most problems are created by internal friction, but the friction may come from external sources such as work, school, children and life in general. If a person is experiencing stress in their work life, it often does not cease when they walk out the office door. Instead, like porters at the airport, we are reduced to transporting our baggage without a trolley. When the baggage begins to overwhelm one or … Continue reading

Do You Feel Loved?

I’m feeling a bit soppy today. I’ve had a cold all week and I tend to get introspective when I am on cold medicine and poor sleep quality. We’ve talked about showing love to others and how we can say we love you in a variety of ways, but I think it’s equally important to answer the question of do you feel loved? How Do You Feel Loved? To answer the question of do you feel loved requires understanding how do you feel loved. Now before I confuse anyone, what I mean is that much of what we believe or … Continue reading

Step-Grandparenting 101

Judging by the number of times that concerned parents write into the forums here at about issues concerning the relationship between children and their step-grandparents, this is an issue that is not going to go away. It is a sign of the times. The grandparents today are from a generation where divorce was less common and blended family issues just didn’t exist. But those days are gone. It is said that blended families will soon be the most common type of family in the U.S., outnumbering even nuclear families. Good, bad or indifferent, parents and grandparents need to understand … Continue reading