Low-Carb Diets and Conventional Wisdom

Low-carbohydrate diets do work. People on low-carbohydrate diets are able to eat less and feel full and satisfied from the high-protein and high-fat foods that are allowed on low-carb diets. These diets have also been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. So why isn’t everybody going low-carb? Conventional “Wisdom” Meaning that knowledge base that doctors of today who went to medical school yesterday and yesteryear have in their doctor’s bags. Their knowledge is based on studies done in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. It is old! After all, the Atkins Diet didn’t blast off until the 70’s and … Continue reading

What Are Low-Carb Diets?

Low carbohydrate diets aren’t new. They have been around for for decades. The Atkins Diet was introduced in 1972 but, even before that, bodybuilders were using low carbohydrate diets to get ripped before competitions. Since the Atkins Diet is the most common low-carb diet, we’ll start with that. Essentially, the Atkins Diet is done through a series of phases. The first phase is the weight loss phase and is used to get the body into ketosis, a state in which the body burns fat for energy rather than glucose (blood sugar). During the first phase of the Atkins Diet, you … Continue reading

What’s The Fuss About Carbs?

Carbohydrates are a macronutrient. The three macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Carbohydrates supply our bodies with their main source of fuel: glucose (also known as blood sugar). Yes, we run on sugar but before you head to the cupboard to down a sack of sugar, read on. Our bodies create glucose by breaking down the carbohydrates we eat throughout the day. Our bodies can also create glucose from proteins and fat but it is much more difficult to do and requires a great deal more energy in the form of calories. (It is easy for the body to make … Continue reading

Kate Moss’ Vibrancy Diet

Apparently, Kate Moss has parted ways with her rock and roller boyfriend and has also decided to part ways with the rock and roll lifestyle (eating whatever, whenever and sleeping every other week or so). She says she’s on a diet now. She’s calling it the Vibrancy Diet. For all my research, I couldn’t find any such diet so my guess is she chose to call it the Vibrancy Diet instead of the I-ditched-my-loser-lover-and-need-to-get-back-in-shape-or-nobody-else-will-have-me-because-I-look-like-crap Diet. So, instead of last night’s left over pizza and champagne cocktails for breakfast, she is opting for yogurt, fruit and toast. (Not bad choices for … Continue reading

1,2,3 Chili

I’m currently practicing a lower-carbohydrate eating plan. You can imagine my excitement when I remembered that chili is low-carb! I created this recipe today, utilizing what was in my cabinet. I didn’t have chili powder and didn’t have a chili seasoning packet, so I had to wing it. The result was a delicious, slightly spicy chili I’ll be making again and again. I hope you enjoy it. Oh, and don’t let the long list of ingredients freak you out—it’s spices that you likely have in your own cabinet. If not, and if you have a packet of chili seasoning or … Continue reading

Carbohydrate Blockers Do Work

I am a carboholic. I have a major problem with starchy carbohydrates. The problem is that I love them. They are comfort food. Cookies, bagels, homemade bread, if it starts with flour then I love it. The problem for me is twofold: 1. These sorts of things do terrible things to my blood sugar. (Raising it and then dropping it to unheard of lows to the point where I need to take a nap.) 2. Whenever I eat starchy carbohydrates I retain lots of extra water so that my body can process and digest them. (A single bagel can show … Continue reading

Why You Need To Be Careful Going Low Carb

Though the height of the low-carb phase has died out, many people struggling to lose weight still turn to low carbohydrate diets. In many cases, when adhered to strictly, these diets produce a great weight loss in a much shorter period of time than with other eating plans. But before you decide to jump on the low-carb bandwagon, there are a few things you need to consider: Low carb diets aren’t for wimps-That’s right, if you’re one of those dieters who starts a diet on Monday only to cave by Wednesday, do not do a low-carb diet. Why? Because as … Continue reading

Low Carb Swaps for Diabetics

If you have diabetes, your enemy isn’t just sugar. Carbohydrates can turn to sugar in the bloodstream, driving your blood glucose levels through the roof. When your body has too much sugar, it stores the excess as fat. Once the extra sugar goes into storage, your blood sugar level drops again. The American Diabetes Association suggests eating between 45 and 75 grams of carbohydrates at each meal and 15 to 30 grams of carbohydrates at snack time. This doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to carbs entirely, but you do have to make smart choices. Swap regular white or … Continue reading

More Low Cost Low Carb Tips

Here are some more ideas to help you avoid high costs when eating low carb (try the meal ideas at the end of the article). Include Plenty of Vegetables Vegetables are an essential part of healthy eating, but when it comes to low carb eating plans, many people think that they are out because they are equated with starch. While this is true of certain vegetables, especially potatoes which spike blood glucose levels, there are many vegetables that fit the low carb lifestyle. Tomatoes, onions, and green leafy vegetables are good choices and tend to be affordable. Get Hooked on … Continue reading

Low Cost Low Carb

Low carb eating is still a popular trend for weight loss, although it can be very expensive. For some, it’s worth the extra cost because they can lose weight without feeling hungry or deprived. You can enjoy those benefits too, but without spending a fortune. There are many foods that are naturally low in carbs and you can purchase whole foods for less than the price of processed foods. For example, a dozen eggs costs very little and eggs are a good source of protein. Eggs don’t have to be reserved for the breakfast table. An omelet makes a great … Continue reading