Foods That Can Help Boost Energy

Foods that Can Help Boost Energy There’s a lot of information on those tiny little food labels. It’s very smart to read before you buy! Keeping an eye on calories, fats, fiber, and vitamins can help keep you and your family healthy. Scanning for other specifics on the label can help you find foods that will help your body run more evenly and efficiently. For example, if you’re looking for foods that can give you an energy boost, look for two things: whole grains/fiber and iron. Whole grains help keep your blood sugar levels stable. When glucose levels are stable, … Continue reading

Raise Energy Levels With The Right Foods

You think you are eating right — but your energy levels are in the basement. Here are some tips to help you pick the right foods to keep your body running all day long! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But watch what you eat! Sugary foods (even yogurt) can lead to an energy nosedive after an hour or so. Try to get a mix of protein and fiber (especially from whole grains) for energy that lasts. Keep your sugar content low if you can. Speaking of sugar — that dried fruit is full of it. Fresh, … Continue reading

How To Get Better Rest and Have More Energy!

Too worried to sleep? Listen to an audio book until you fall asleep. The narrative will drown out that voice in your head that’s reviewing tomorrow’s to-do list. Drink enough water. Dehydration can make you fatigued! Be sure to drink eight glasses of water every day. With all the flavored waters out there and powdered, sugar-free drink mixes, you should have no excuse for skipping the water! Ginseng (especially the Siberian variety) can help boost your stamina. It’s been studied in both animals and humans and can give you a serious boost. Just don’t overuse it — your body will … Continue reading