Latest Leopard News

We are getting close to the release date of the latest Apple Mac operating system, OS X Leopard. This operating system promises more than 300 new features and has been hailed as the most impressive version of Mac OSX ever. Apple itself says that this is the biggest system update in Mac history. Leopard will sell for $129 for an individual and $199 for a family pack. Leopard arrives on October 26th, although you can pre-order it through the website. Customers who pre-order will receive free shipping, and the product will be delivered on October 26th. Leopard goes on … Continue reading

Apple iPhone Okay with Third Party Software

Apple changed its mind about third party software being used on the Apple iPhone. Previously, Apple was very adamant about not allowing any software not created by the company to be used with the iPhone. Now it seems that Apple has taken an about face on the issue. On Wednesday, Steve Jobs posted a message to his website saying that Apple will now allow those third party application to work with the iPhone. Many users downloaded software from the Internet for their iPhones, taking the risk that installing the programs would not damage their iPhones. If it did, the warranty … Continue reading

Computing Review: September 15th Through September 21st

Can you believe it is already October? There is no doubt that Fall has come to my little piece of Pennsylvania, and it is time to update my personal website to reflect the Fall season. I need to take down or at least archive all of the photos from our summer adventures and get started on sharing this season’s new outings. While all of that is rattling around in my head and on my desktop, I thought I would also do a little catching up on reviewing some of the September articles. Take another look at them and tell me … Continue reading

Hot EA Games Now on the Mac

EA games are now available for the Mac. Apple announced the release of six new titles of video games that are playable on the Mac, along with gaming gear to enhance the playing experience. Apple is recommending that these games be played on the newer Intel-based Macs. Some of the games list the Intel processor as a requirement, although rumor has it that the games are all playable on older Macs, but with either a decrease in performance or with glitches that may pause the games or require them to be restarted. Some of the games are available right now, … Continue reading

iPhone Discounted; iPod Touch

There has been a lot of new lately from Apple, thanks to yesterday’s keynote address. From iPhones to iPods to Wi-Fi news, everyone is buzzing about the announcements. One of the most exciting bits of news is the fact that the ever-popular iPhone now has a price reduction of $200, bring the cost down to only $399. Apple says that this price reduction was done to make the iPhone affordable to more users for the holiday season. Apple, it seems, would like to see an iPod under every pot, or at least in every household by the end of the … Continue reading

Video Games for The iPhone

There is a good chance that you will soon see video games coming to the Apple iPhone. Several companies, including Apple itself, are possibly working on bringing new software games to this device. while iPhone users can already play some games through the Safari browser, so far, there have been no video games that are native to the iPhone. Here is what is happening. Let’s start with Apple. The company recently released a new iTunes update (7.3) to make it more compatible for the iPhone. In that update is a bit of new code that hints to having games load … Continue reading

The New iPods

Rumor has it that the iPod is in for the next revolution on the Apple agenda. Reports are coming in about a possible special media event to be held by Apple sometime in September. During that event, industry analysts predict that four new Apple iPods will be introduced, each based on the successful Mac OS X operating systems. Four new iPods models are predicted, each with NAND Flash. The iPods should be available in two distinct types: one type featuring the traditional click wheel, and another featuring a touch screen, much like the new Apple iPhone, but dubbed the iPod … Continue reading

Lots of New Releases for Apple

Yesterday, Apple help a media event to promote its new offerings, including newly redesigned iMacs, new major software suite releases and new enhancements to its .Mac service. Today, the Apple website is available and updated to reflect the new releases, which are as follows. iMacs The new iMacs feature the sleekest design, yet. The all-in-one units puts the entire computer into an aluminum enclosure, so it looks just like a monitor sitting on a very cool stand. The screens showcase the new glossy displays in both 20-inch and 24-inch. They are widescreen LCD displays that promise incredibly crisp images. As … Continue reading

Apple Releases iPhone Security Patch And More

You may remember an earlier article about the possible security issues surrounding the iPhone, wherein hackers could potentially gain access to the personal information stored on the phone or use that information to spread spam. While there have been no reported cases of any problems with the security of the iPhone, testing by a security company raised the concern of potential problems. Nonetheless, Apple decided to quickly respond to these concerns by releasing a software patch that address these security issues and bugs. Although the vulnerability was only a theory, this recent patch will make it harder for potential criminals … Continue reading

Fusing Windows into The Mac

In my usual disclaimer I have to say that I am very partial to Macs. Their superior operating system and easy of use just make Macs a great machine. More and more people are starting to agree with me, as sales of the Mac are growing by leaps and bounds. Mac computers are still only a small percentage of all PC sales, though, and I think that may partially be due to the fact that the majority of software out in the world is written for Windows-based machines. Sure, there are some Mac versions of popular software, mostly in the … Continue reading