Christie Brinkley’s Ex-Husband’s Infidelity Confession

The Barbara Walters interview with Peter Cook, Christie Brinkley’s ex-husband, has stirred up all sorts of controversy between the couple (she filed an order with the court to make sure he doesn’t let their children see it when they’re in his custody), but it’s also riled the public. The controversy is similar to the one that brewed during Oprah’s “Why Men Cheat” series. Cook’s Confession Cook claims Brinkley’s lack of attention drove him into the arms of his 17-year-old lover. I can understand why he strayed. I believe lack of attention is a factor in why men stray. But I … Continue reading

How to Keep Your Pet from Cheating on You

In keeping with the theme of the last couple of days, I couldn’t very well talk about unfaithful pets and cats adopting other people without examining ways to keep your pet from straying. Over in Marriage, infidelity is a hot topic. I’m of the camp that believes one of the factors that causes a husband to stray is because he’s not getting enough attention at home. I figured based on other people interviewed in the article “Getting dogged: When your pet cheats on you” by Kim Campbell Thornton that it would stand to reason that’s why pets cheat too. … Continue reading

Unfaithful Pets

Once upon a blog, Aimee wrote about pets who prefer people other than their owners. I got to thinking about this yesterday when I was writing about my friends who have been adopted by cats lately. In both instances, the cats technically belong to other people. But they’ve adopted new ones, which technically makes them unfaithful pets. Or does it? Cuddles Cuddles is a little calico that really belongs to the people who moved in to the house next to Cindy and Michael, our across-the-street neighbors. But Cuddles has decided she likes to camp out at Cindy and Michael’s. She … Continue reading

Is It Possible to Affair-Proof a Marriage?

On Oprah’s “Why Men Cheat Part 2” show, M. Gary Neuman offered three ways to affair-proof a marriage: 1. Appreciate your spouse more. In fact, make sure to appreciate your spouse as much as you possibly can. 2. Have sex. Make time for sex. Enjoy sex. (He suggested women are bad about receiving pleasure. Men are better at that. By nature they’re takers and we’re givers. We’re not comfortable receiving. Be it sexual pleasure or tokens of affection. Mr. Neuman said instead of saying “You shouldn’t have” when your husband gives you something, you should say, “Yes you should have … Continue reading

Oprah’s “Why Men Cheat” Controversy

Last week Oprah did a show called “How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage: Why Men Cheat Part 2.” I don’t know if she had the “Part 2” planned or not. From the previews it kind of sounded like they did it in response to all of the responses Part 1 generated. It was the previews that caught my attention. Since I wasn’t going to be able to watch the show when it aired, I recorded it. Saturday while Wayne and I were hanging out to nurse Murph, he was flipping through our recorded programs on the DVR and saw the Oprah … Continue reading

What Makes Politicians Think They’ll Never Get Caught?

Or, that if they do, we should be understanding and tolerant of their moment of weakness? I’m referring to John Edwards’s admission that he cheated on his wife Elizabeth. “In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic.” ~-John Edwards, as quoted from an article by Pete Yost, AP, published on AOL News-~ Apparently he confessed the whole mess to Elizabeth and the rest of his family long before it came out in the media. But now it’s out. Now not only him, but also Elizabeth, have to face … Continue reading

What To Do When You’ve Got a Crush on Someone Other Than Your Spouse

On my article Are Crushes Natural?, a reader left a comment about how she’s happily married but developed a big crush on someone else. She even tried to hook the guy up with an available friend, but that only made her think about him more. She admitted she knows she needs to stop thinking about him, but also that she hopes the friend and him decide not to see each other again. Yikes. That’s a tough situation to be in. Now some of you will take objection to that and say “If she’s so happily married, why would another man … Continue reading

Famous Oprah Moments – Part 2

So, this week, I am talking about famous Oprah moments. After all, the groundbreaking talk show host has been on television for 22 years, there has to be a few incredible moments other than just Tom Cruise’s couch jumping. Here are some more remarkable Oprah moments: Oprah Interviews Betty Broderick In 1992, Oprah had a bit of a Geraldo moment when she interviewed murderer Betty Broderick. Broderick had killed her husband and his lover, but Oprah wanted to get behind the real story. As Betty put it, attorney Dan Broderick and she had had a perfect marriage until he fell … Continue reading

Indecent Proposals

The other day Lyn wrote “Do People Really Go Looking for an Affair?” As we so often seem to manage, once again her and I are on the same wavelength. I was thinking along similar topics lines myself recently. I had to take my car into the shop on Friday to get an oil change and have the engine shield fixed. (I think it’s called an engine shield. It’s on the underside of the car, and I’ve scraped it one too many times pulling too close to curbs. Oops!) Anyway, while I was waiting I read the paper. I think … Continue reading

Infidelity: Insult and Injury

In Does an STD Make the Crime of an Affair Even Worse?, I pondered just that. As deedee1231 pointed out, it probably doesn’t make it worse, it just adds insult to injury. I believe that. Yet when I wrote that article I didn’t think beyond an STD as a consequence of an affair that might add insult to injury. But then the whole prostitution scandal with former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer happened. Except, before I could ponder how he not only embarrassed himself but his poor wife and that’s certainly a huge insult too, my mom fell sick. I … Continue reading