Fashion Files: Celebrity Designers Strike Again

In a previous blog I ranted about the growing number of celebrities who are cashing in by having their names and faces connected to random beauty products and fashion items. For example, Patrick Dempsey has his own scent with Avon, while Spider-Man star James Franco recently paired with Gucci as the face of their new men’s fragrance. Now, it appears country music star Tim McGraw is jumping on the smell-good bandwagon too by teaming up with Coty to launch his first-ever fragrance this summer. According to company spokespeople, McGraw by Tim McGraw will be a “down-to-earth, woodsy scent with touches … Continue reading

Fashion Fiesta

At this point he is probably better known for impregnating Ashlee Simpson and repeatedly denying doing so than he is for designing clothes, yet Pete Wentz is determined to make his new junior sportswear line at hit for Nordstrom. Following in his fiancée’s footsteps the Fall Out Boy bassist has just signed an exclusive deal with the department store to launch a collection of graphic T-shirts, hoodies, denim jeans and accessories from his Clandestine Industries label. According E! news, Wentz’s line contains “interesting cuts and designs that are a little bit out of the box.” Apropos considering the designer. The … Continue reading

Celebrity Fashion Designers—-Gimme a Break!

It’s no secret that Hollywood A-lister’s don’t have to have knowledge of fashion design (or fashion sense for that matter) to have an entire collection created in their name. These days you can buy leggings by Lindsay Lohan, jeans by Justin Timberlake, dresses by Madonna and tank tops by Jude Law’s ex-girlfriend Sienna Miller. But the latest round of celebrities turned fashion designers has me rolling my eyes in ways I didn’t think possible. Take for example Britney Spears. The reforming popwreck had custody of her two young sons stripped from her following her public meltdowns, yet she’s now in … Continue reading

Fashionistas Turned Fashion Designers

Oh heck, why not, everyone else is doing it? That was my reaction when I learned Ashlee Simpson just got a gig at Wet Seal as a fashion designer. I wonder what big sis Jessica thinks about her copycat sibling honing in on yet another market she ventured into first? So, yes, the younger Simpson will indeed be launching a collection of T-shirts for the hip retailer. According to Wet Seal execs, Ashlee’s line will feature designs inspired by “her own personality, sense of style and album artwork.” The new collection will launch nationwide on April 22nd-—the same day Ashlee’s … Continue reading

“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…”

Who says the queen in “Snow White” has dibs on the only magic mirror around? Not designers at Accenture Labs. The company is being hailed for creating a “magic mirror” that gives ordinary people access to extraordinary views. The mirror provides a computer-enhanced shot of what you might look like in the future. But not only does the mirror age you it also takes into account the bad habits some of us have. For example, if you are a junk food junkie, a smoker, a heavy drinker or live a sedentary life the “magic mirror” incorporates that information into the … Continue reading

Hollywood’s New IT Career–Fashion Design

First it was Madonna, then Justin Timberlake , Sienna Miller and Sarah Jessica Parker jumped on the bandwagon. Next, Luke Wilson and Matthew McConaughey wanted in on the action too. Geez, is there any one in Hollywood who doesn’t have his or her own celebrity fashion line? I doubt it after learning about the latest round of TV and movie fashionistas (none who have any experience in the fashion biz—-not that that’s a prerequisite in Tinseltown these days) who are now offering you a chance to wear a little number they had a hand in creating. Add Lindsay Lohan’s name … Continue reading

What Not to Wear

“What Not to Wear” is one of my favorite television shows. I’m not sure what it is I like so much – maybe the idea of having a ton of money to spend on clothes, or the fun banter between the hosts. Whatever it is, I try hard not to miss the new episodes that air every Friday night on TLC. Older episodes air every afternoon, but I tend to miss those. The show is hosted by Clinton Kelly and Stacy London, two stylists from New York. Each week, they surprise a fashion victim that has been nominated by loving, … Continue reading

2008 Oscar Fashion

Did you honestly think I would overlook this year’s fashion at the Academy Awards? I definitely had some opinions about the outfits, although I must say the guys for the most part were well dressed but dull. Even Johnny Depp looked normal! For the women, I must say that I didn’t really like Marion Cotillard’s dress. Yes, it was kind of pretty, but didn’t you think it made her look a bit like a mermaid with all the scales? Okay, okay, I know, she is French; she innately knows more about fashion than I do. Moving on, I thought Jennifer … Continue reading

Stretch Your Makeup

Makeup can get very expensive. You can easily spend hundreds of dollars in a year, if you make up your face every day. One of the ways to save money on makeup without compromising on the quality, is by stretching it out and making it last. You can do this by turning unusable ends into usable makeup, and you can do this by properly taking care of your make up so that it doesn’t go bad. Here are some ways that you can stretch your make up. When using lipstick, you are inevitably left with a little bit at the … Continue reading

Fashion Forward: Life Saving Uniforms

It’s revolutionary fashion that could save your life… Unless you are in the military or are a member of the outdoor sporting community then you probably have never heard of BlackHawk brand clothing. However, if you or a loved one is placed in a highly hostile environment–trust me–there is nothing you would rather be wearing. BlackHawk’s clothing collection is typically used by outdoor sporting enthusiasts, law enforcement officers and military personnel, but the company is hoping to expand and make their products accessible to more of the general public. The company recently made headlines when it unveiled its Warrior Wear … Continue reading