Who Sets the Agenda in Marriage?

Having your own agenda can be problematic in a marriage. It often means you are so focused on what you want to do and achieve that you ignore the feelings of those closest to you, which is you spouse and family. Where two people in a marriage each have their own agenda, it can then becomes a contest of wills to see who will prevail or it ends up in the man and woman living independent lives that hardly ever connect. This is not what marriage was intended to be. Marriage is meant to be a sharing of ourselves, our … Continue reading

How to Make Your Marriage the Exception to the Rule

Michele commented yesterday that it’s a shame lasting love these days is seen as the exception rather than the rule. I agree. But when it does exist, other people notice. A young woman, who had not had the most positive examples of marriage and relationships in her own life, so far commented recently to her friend and her husband about how ‘they always looked out for each other.’ You see, when people look out for their spouse it shows. That means being aware of the things that are going on in your spouse’s life and not being so self absorbed … Continue reading

Making Allowances

We’ve often been told, ‘patience is a virtue.’ Nowhere is this a more important virtue than in marriage. We not only need to be patient with our spouse, though that certainly helps, we need to be patient in our expectations of ourselves and our marriages. You and I don’t get it right all the time, so we shouldn’t expect our spouse too either. In other words we need to do as it says on my calendar for yesterday and ‘Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.’ Sound like … Continue reading

Love is In the Air

‘Love is the air,’ with TVs, stores, magazines etc all gearing up for Valentine’s Day. Everywhere you turn hearts and flowers dominate the displays. But love is more than just a romantic notion written about by songwriters, poets, novelists and movie script writers. Love can mean different things to different people, but I read a couple of good descriptions of love in a novel I’ve been reading. One was, ‘Allowances must be made for the people we love.’ That’s what Mary Ann was talking about too in her blog about unconditional love. It doesn’t depend on what they do but … Continue reading