Making Babies or Making Love?

You and your spouse have decided it’s time to start a family. Congratulations! There is no more profound experience for husband and wife than becoming parents together. Getting there can be an experience all its own, which is sometimes quite enjoyable, but may also become rather stressful for some. If it doesn’t happen right away, one or both spouses may begin to feel pressured to make it happen. In many cases, the timing just isn’t right but it will happen. If you are seriously concerned, consult with a medical professional. However, try to relax and realize that there is a … Continue reading

Sex and Marriage – Rekindling the Flames

Married couples often complain about a lack of ‘good sex.’ They complain about not having sex at all. They complain about being expected to have too much sex. The less intimate contact with each passing year of marriage can cause husbands and wives to become upset, under appreciated or even neglected. Marriages are stressed by career and financial demands. Throw children in and you have time-consuming, exhausting and sense-dulling days that are less than conducive to passion or romance. When the drips and drabs of energy are all that’s available at the end of the day, husbands and wives may … Continue reading