Mr. Fix-It: Tips for Men

It’s an old cliché, but as with all clichés there is some truth to it. Men are problem-solvers by nature. When confronted with a problem whether it is physical, mental or emotional – they want to repair the damage and make it better. In fact, most men are more likely to try a repair themselves before asking or calling for assistance from a professional. In one key area, their own fitness and health, men attempt the same whether they have the knowledge or the skills to meet their goals. It can be frustrating, because while men have a lot of … Continue reading

Men’s Only Fitness Center

Have you ever heard of Cuts Fitness for Men? It’s the answer for men looking to discover the success that women attending Curves for Women have discovered. Women who use Curves for Women have long since discovered that the ladies only gym provides both a circle of support as well as losing weight and toning up with the circuit training that you need only perform 30 minutes a day 3 to 4 times per week. The equipment at Curves for Women is designed specifically for women, to help them tone and shape. The theory is sound, but for men looking … Continue reading

Men Are Not From Mars . . .

They are from Earth. They are born into the same world as women, albeit from a different perspective. They have needs, they have wants and they have desires. Men also have fears, talents, drive, flaws and willpower. They have weaknesses too. Like women, men also respond to marketing, technology and explanations that are geared towards them. Men don’t want to look better; they want to look stronger. Men don’t want to look younger; they want to feel younger. Men don’t want to get into their emotional well being or stability; they want to have fun. They don’t want to talk … Continue reading