Business Marketing 101: Benefits of a Business Card

Continuing on with the Business Marketing 101 series, we are going to be looking at the benefits of a business card. My personal favorite resource for this is Vistaprint. They make it easy and very affordable. In fact, many times you can get business cards for free and just pay for shipping. But they also offer other great deals. Creating a business card is beneficial for a number of reasons. Although social networking and other forms of technology can help market your business, you can’t dismiss the good old fashioned business card. You never know who you will run across … Continue reading

Business Marketing 101: Creating a Website

In this business marketing 101 series, I have talked so far about the importance of a resume and a portfolio. In this blog I am going to be talking about the need for a website. Virtually every home business should have a website. A website is a great way to market your business. The first reason is that you can potentially reach millions of people. Of course, you might not have that kind of goal in mind but the point is that you can reach many more people through this means than you can in any other way. Another reason … Continue reading

Business Marketing 101: Creating a Portfolio

In this blog we are going to be looking at the benefits to creating a portfolio. Depending on the nature of your home business, this could be a great way to market your work. I remember when I used to serve on the interview committee at my children’s school. I enjoyed being part of the process and was always impressed with teachers who brought in a portfolio of their work. You can talk about your work and what you do but showcasing it through a portfolio takes it another step. There is a lot of creativity that can go into … Continue reading

Marketing Your Home Business

No matter what type of home business you run, marketing your business is important if you want to see it grow. So here are some ideas on how you can do this. You first want to have a quality resume available. You can research ideas on how to create a resume or even pay a professional to do it. Just be sure that it is professional and clear-cut. Think outside the box when it comes to your experience and skills. You also want to make sure that you keep your resume updated. As you gain new experience, skills or jobs … Continue reading

Goofy New Check-In for Disney Cruises

Have you been considering going on a Disney cruise vacation, but aren’t quite sure that the whole experience would be enough fun? Sure, Disney cruises are some of the most luxurious vacations out there, but they’ve also got the potential to become a bit claustrophobic, and there were all those food poisoning incidents on cruise ships last year, even if none of them were on Disney ships. Well, either the execs at the Walt Disney Corp. cruise division thought their marketing scheme needed an extra push, or someone over in the animation/graphic design department was feeling whimsical, because the Disney … Continue reading

Using Radio to Promote Your Home Business

It may seem like with the advent of the internet, more “traditional” forms of advertising and promotions like radio and television have fallen out of favor. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. It can still be well worth your advertising dollar to use television and/or radio to promote your business. As a small, home business owner, radio may be an option that fits into your budget better than the more expensive television advertising. The first thing to ask yourself is whether radio will help you reach your target market. If you are marketing to a very young market (18-25 … Continue reading

Choosing a Niche Market

Not all of us have business that appeal to a wide market. In fact, I would argue that there are plenty of home business that actually appeal to a very small, niche market—individuals with specific needs who are looking for a specific product or service. It is not as if most of us sell candy or hamburgers which have a mass market appeal. Figuring out what our small, niche market is and how we can position our business within it can be a challenge and a mystery. By doing research and figuring out who needs and wants your product or … Continue reading

Consider “Inviting” Prospects to Become Clients or Customers

Most of us think of promoting our business as “sales”–we give sales pitches, try to get prospective individuals interested in what we have to offer, and then we try to win them over until they become paying clients or customers. There may be a different approach, however, and you might consider thinking of ways to “invite” people to become involved in your business. This is not a new approach–I am sure if you think of some ad campaigns or interactions you have had with other companies, you will recall being “invited to get involved” or “invited to become a customer.” … Continue reading

Writing About What You Do

Promoting a business often means telling the story about what you do and what your business is all about. Many business owners feel comfortable doing just about anything EXCEPT writing. Whether you fear your spelling skills or seize up when you see a blank screen or piece of paper, it might be that writing about what you do is the hardest thing you have to face as a business owner. Since this can be such a great way of promoting your business, however, it might be worth your while to learn how to write about what you do. Writing articles … Continue reading

Reach Out to New Markets

While I often write about different ways to identify and tune in to your target market for your home business, it is also important to find ways to expand and grow your business. This usually means figuring out how to reach out into new markets and stretch out of your comfort zone. There are some similar steps to reaching new markets as there are to penetrating your current market base: identify who they are and the details about the demographic and then figure how best to reach them (and what the message should be.) In my years of fund raising … Continue reading