Should You Be Free or Stingy With Marketing Materials?

There seems to be two schools of thought when it comes to marketing and promotion materials–one is to be free and easy with promotional items; handing them out whenever and wherever–a quantity approach. The other is to be a little more selective and hand out materials only to those people most likely to purchase, or at those events that most match your target market. Which approach, however, is best for your home-based business? For some of us, our marketing distribution plan is very much affected by our budget–we might not be able to afford to print thousands of business cards, … Continue reading

What About Bookmarks?

I was talking to a colleague recently and she explained that she had abandoned business cards—instead she had her contact and marketing information printed on colorful cardstock bookmarks. As a matter of fact, I think she printed them off on her desktop printer, cut them with a paper-cutter, and produced them as she needed them. I thought I might pass on the idea here on the Home Business blog… When I thought about it, I realized that using bookmarks as promotional materials wasn’t new—we had some good success years ago with a nonprofit organization I worked with printing statistics and … Continue reading