Make Announcements about Your Business

When you hear the word “announcement” perhaps you think of a town crier with a huge megaphone hollering and making big sensational statements? Or, perhaps, you think of a simple press release that states a story or new development? It is important that we incorporate the use of announcements into how we market our home business. In fact, many businesses make very good use of keeping regular announcements about their latest developments, sales, and other details in front of the public eye. The great thing about announcements in the business realm is that they can be incredibly brief and simple … Continue reading

The Well-Fed Self-Publisher – Peter Bowerman

The title of this book, “The Well-Fed Self-Publisher,” caught my eye right off the bat. I’ve been involved with writing and publishing for the last several years and one of the first things you learn is that self-publishing is a hard road and you hardly ever make any money at it. Yet this book blows that out of the water. Author Peter Bowerman takes us step-by-step through the process of self-publishing a book, from making the decision to self-publish in the first place by debunking the myth that you can’t do everything the publisher can, to learning the ins and … Continue reading

Using On-line Press Releases

In the old world of press releases, a narrative was written up on paper, copied, and then mailed or faxed out to a press and contact list. It could be incredibly time consuming and require a bit of a budget. Now days, however, a press release can be distributed entirely using the internet and can save time and money. For a small home business this can be a very efficient way to boost the marketing efforts. The writing of a press release is still the same as it always has been. The great thing about the advent of on-line distribution, … Continue reading

Direct Mail or Digital Marketing?

Trying to figure out the best approach to promoting your home business can be a bit of a challenge—after all, there are so many factors to consider. Do you go for the cheapest, the broadest outreach, or do you try to target your marketing to the appropriate prospects? Do you go the old fashioned route with direct mail or do you put more of your eggs into digital marketing? Digital marketing refers to marketing on line—your web site, e-newsletters, e-mail promotions, and internet advertising. Direct mail, of course, refers to paper pieces that you mail directly to the prospects home … Continue reading

Are You Getting the Message Out?

It has been a while since I have written much about marketing and promotions but I was talking to another business owner recently and she asked me a great question: “How do you know if you are getting the message out?” How indeed?! We know we need to spread the word but how do we know if we are successful in our efforts or if we need to do a little more to make sure we get the message about our home business operation out and about? One of the points I like to make is to remind people that … Continue reading

How Much Can Your Customers and Clients Do on Your Website?

Are you truly optimizing the capabilities of your web site for your home business? If you are simply using your business web site to share and disseminate information, you might be missing the boat. People should be able to submit orders, do research, ask questions and even connect with one another on your web site in order to take full advantage of the possibilities. Several years ago, a web site was seen more as a way to market and augment a “bricks and mortar” type businesses. We knew we needed to have a web site, but really more as a … Continue reading

What is Reliable Marketing for Your Business?

In the past couple days, I have written about basic marketing techniques and ideas. I think it is a good idea to get back to basics periodically and focus on those little details that are involved in running and growing a small business. When it comes to how you promote your own home based business, it is important to figure out what works well; what are the most reliable marketing activities and to use those regularly as you promote your products or services. The reason you should focus on what is reliable for YOUR home business is that not every … Continue reading

Constant and Regular Exposure for Your Home Business

When we start thinking about marketing and promotions for our businesses, many of us get overwhelmed. It can seem like a huge world and we might feel completely unprepared for tackling “marketing.” One key thing to remember (and maybe the only thing you need to remember) is just to focus on constant and regular exposure of your business with your target market. Once you are sure of the mission and message of your business and its marketing, it is time to share that message with everyone. That means getting it everywhere and making sure that you are constantly, regularly, and … Continue reading

Bring it Back to Target Marketing

Lately, I have been doing a fair amount of writing about customer service and personal relationship here in the Home Business blog. I realized, however, that when it comes to running a home business—if someone was to ask me how to get a business back on track, I would probably advise that she bring her efforts back to targeting her marketing and efforts. When in doubt, pay attention to your target market and figure out how to reach them and cultivate those prospects. Of course, this requires that you actually take the initial step and identify what your target market … Continue reading

When Someone Requests More Information

While it would be fantastic if it only took one contact with a prospect to make a sale or get a new client, the reality is that it often takes cultivation—it takes several chats, contacts, or attempts at outreach before the average prospective individual will come on board as a client or customer, and several more “touches” in order to keep them. One of the very common early responses from a prospect is that they will request “more information.” You might be wondering whether or not they are trying to just blow you off and how you can turn a … Continue reading