Moving in Together

Marriages and any other serious relationships involve a lot of adjustment and give and take. Moving in together can be one area that some couples struggle with. It can sometimes be difficult for one partner to give in to the other’s personal items or needs of space. If the two people have not lived out on their own, the transition is likely not as bad. Neither of them are used to having their personal space and the run of the house. They have also not accumulated as many personal items that will need to be moved. However things can be … Continue reading

From Marrieds to Marents – What You Need to Know

Who knows of the possibilities of love when men and women share not only children, home and garden, not only the fulfillment of their biological roles, but the responsibilities and passions of the work that creates the human future and the full human knowledge of who they are? – Betty Friedan What is a Marent? A marent is what I call someone who is married and adjusting to parenthood and the lines between being married and being a parent are blurred to indistinct. Now let me begin by saying there is nothing wrong with there being something indistinct between the … Continue reading