New Jersey, Marriage, Rights, and Effects

Like you didn’t see this one coming… Since the New Jersey Supreme Court clearly (and correctly) stated that it found no fundamental right to gay marriage, it is rather curious that the Court would still demand that same sex couples be included in existing marriage laws or be given the same benefits as married couples through new legislation. If there is no fundamental right, how can the Court force the legislature to create a special statutory right that includes marriage benefits? Make no mistake; the New Jersey Supreme Court is indeed an activist court. While it may technically sidestep violating … Continue reading

My Husband Makes Me a Better Person

Good evening and happy Saturday. I was talking earlier about my husband’s capacity to forgive. Now I want to honor him with the fact that not only do I admire his capacity to do so and not only do I find it fascinating how loving and caring he is of other people. He isn’t afraid to put himself out there and yes, he does get disappointed and sometimes he is hurt – but that doesn’t prevent him from doing it again and again. He Makes Me Better Trust is a difficult enough issue for me. Saying I’m sorry or admitting … Continue reading

Important Facts Concerning Marriage

As a societal institution, marriage provides benefits not only to society as a whole, but also to the people that make up households that include marriage. Social scientists and family experts largely agree that there are many reasons that marriage helps societies, families, and individuals stay stronger and healthier. Here are a ten of the many reasons marriage is highly valued (in no particular order): 1. Within marriages, there is generally less domestic violence toward women and children alike than there is in single parent or cohabitating households. 2. Children with married parents are not only less likely to be … Continue reading

Should the Government Have a Say in Marriage?

Many people believe that “The State” -the government- should get out of the marriage business altogether. There are two main reasons for this belief. One is the presumed doctrine of separation of church and state, as furthered by those who don’t approve of any religious influence in government (more on the separation doctrine tomorrow). The other side is those people of faith who don’t approve of governmental influence on religion. However, the government recognized marriage as an important component of civilized society and decided to bestow certain benefits on married couples, in order to encourage people to get married, as … Continue reading

American Society Favors Marriage

It’s true – our contemporary society favors marriage in almost every aspect. There’s the social acceptance related to two people living together and building a life together. Granted, people live together all the time without marriage, but for many – the social aspects are incredibly important. There are the governmental benefits such as filing your tax return jointly and there’s the employer perks that often favor married employees over singles. There’s also the joint ownership of property and social security benefits that favor spouses over a cohabitator. Marriage is Promoted Marriage is promoted through over 400 state and 1000 federal … Continue reading