“When Good People Have Affairs”

Oh wow! Is this ever a new one in the books of marriage advice? Just recently author, Mira Kirshenbaum publishes what just may be one of the most controversial marriage books ever! Kirshenbaum is using her over 30 years of experience as a marriage therapist to conclude that indeed an affair may be just what a marriage needs! Yes you read it right! The title of her book, “When Good People Have Affairs” actually points out positive aspects that affairs can have on a marriage. While we all know that some marriages can indeed survive an affair and become stronger … Continue reading

Relationship Help

Relationship help can come in many forms. The trick to finding the help that will work for your relationship is discovering what works for the individuals involved. The truth is most problems are created by internal friction, but the friction may come from external sources such as work, school, children and life in general. If a person is experiencing stress in their work life, it often does not cease when they walk out the office door. Instead, like porters at the airport, we are reduced to transporting our baggage without a trolley. When the baggage begins to overwhelm one or … Continue reading

The One Where They Get Help

John and Jane were at an impasse. Their marriage was in crisis. They knew it, they tried to work it out between them, but the rifts seemed to grow wider and wider. The words that sum up brilliantly what they experienced are found in the words that open the movie Mr. And Mrs. Smith “The silence keeps growing between us, filling up with all the things we don’t say.” The silence between John and Jane, punctuated by bouts of anger and accusation, hurt and desperation, grew wider. They recognized that it would continue to expand unless they found a way … Continue reading