The Season for Skiing

It snowed in several places this weekend. Snow – that complete and total sign of winter arriving and where there is snow – there is skiing. Skiing is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise and no matter how cold it is outside, one of the things I remember most about skiing is that you can actually get hot on a 4 degree day as you plow your way downhill whether it’s a green, a blue or a black. (Admittedly, I’m a bit of a coward, I prefer the greens – the blues are just too steep for me … Continue reading

Nordic Walking – Poles & More

Nordic Walking is a total body workout and burns up to 40% more calories than regular walking. In many ways, Nordic walking resembles the elliptical machine found in most fitness gyms. It involves arm motion as well as leg motion. It increases balance, focus and of course, fat burn. So What Is Nordic Walking? Before you ask, it’s not how the Vikings did it. Nordic walking is a form of walking using modified ski poles. It started as a way of exercising during the summer in Nordic Europe. Nordic Walking was first developed in Finland by Cross Country Skiers, who … Continue reading

Marriage Partners Can Equal Fitness Partners

I write for the marriage blog as well as the fitness blog and the following could actually be placed in either blog. I elected for here in fitness because we talk about parents motivating their kids and working on improving their kids’ fitness all the time. It’s equally important to work on maximizing your spouse’s fitness because in turn, they can help you maximize yours. Marriage is: A contractually committed partnership, including sexual love, cohabitation, shared economy/property and mutual childrearing; socially approved and legally acknowledged emotional, sexual, and economic relationship between two or more individuals The definition of marriage that … Continue reading