Is Your Marriage Making You Fat?

Your marriage is not making you fat. However, circumstances within your marriage can lead to weight gain. Cooking for your spouse and perhaps other family members can tempt you to eat more. You taste things as you cook, you want to eat the food you spent time and trouble to prepare, and it’s just easier to eat more when delicious aromas are floating through the air. It may also be more tempting to eat those comfort foods we all enjoy so much. As you cook your Mom’s or his or her mom’s favorite recipes, it just feels good. All that … Continue reading

Should Both Spouses Work?

Many married couples today are dual income families. While more and more women opt to stay home with children while they are young, moms may head back to the wonderful world of full time employment once the youngest child starts school. Will doing so really improve your household income enough to make it worth your time? It may or may not. It depends on the hours, the salary, the benefits, tax penalties many married couples are subjected to, and work related expenses. It may also include childcare for the hours after school until you or your spouse gets home from … Continue reading

A Couple of Parents

Parenting as a couple, as partners, is important. It is not only important to show kids a united front, but also to protect our marriages. If one spouse begins to feel underappreciated or undermined, this will create family discord as well as a strained marital relationship. If we’re going to be partners, that means we have to have equal footing when it comes to parenting our children as well. If you are strict and your spouse is lenient, or vice versa, you are going to end up butting heads. It is important to discuss parenting issues together, out of earshot … Continue reading

And Baby Makes Three

How do you go from being a couple to being a party of three? It may appear to be a seamless transition for those super mom types, but for most of us regular people, it can be a challenging time. Not only do you have new constraints on time in general, money, and energy, but you’ll also find couple time lacking once baby comes home. This is not to say that baby is a burden, not at all. A new baby is the most amazing change in life that most people can imagine. It’s just that adding another person to … Continue reading