Living with a Daydreamer

Daydreaming is one of those things that can be wonderful—a nice little imaginative escape in the midst of a stressful day, it can even be therapeutic when you need a boost of positive thought. But, daydreaming can create some problems—especially for a child who daydreams excessively and uses it as a way of escaping and avoiding daily life. I think that some people just seem to be more “natural” daydreamers than others. Those who can be incredibly imaginative and creative tend to be better at daydreaming. I have been told, however, that excessive daydreaming in a child can be a … Continue reading

Balancing Seasonal Temperaments

Some people love this time of year and really get into all the seasonal festivities—others of us may get a touch of the Bah humbugs. This can be challenging enough at work or out and about, but it can be even more challenging when we have to cope with these different seasonal temperaments within our own families. We can all have very different ideas about how to make the most of the season. We are not a huge family, my children and I—there are only four of us, but that is four very different holiday season temperaments. My eldest daughter … Continue reading

There Are Days When I Wonder If I Could Get Any Crabbier…

Why is it that there are days when I feel incredibly swaths of peace and great gifts of flexibility—and then there are others when I am really unfit for public consumption? Even after all these years and all the lessons parenting and family life have offered me, I still have days when I am not exactly sure what I am doing here! It is a strange thing to feel basically content, and still get downright crabby and not even fully understand why. It isn’t like the realities of my daily life change all that much from day to day or … Continue reading

Stubbornness Can Be Both Good and Bad

Blessed is the parent of a stubborn child! And, in all fairness, I suppose we should light a candle or two for stubborn parents too. While I can be pretty stable, I am not particularly stubborn. I do have two children, however, for whom stubbornness is both a gift and a curse! I think we often see only the downside of a stubborn temperament, but there are some “good” things that can come from stubbornness too. My two stubborn children are both able to be quite committed to things that matter to them. Whether it is a good friend, or … Continue reading

There Will Always Be Some Mystery

I think the fact that I am able to write about and contemplate parenting so much still, after nearly twenty years of being in the trenches is due to the reality that no matter how much “mastery” I achieve, there will always be amazing swaths of mystery to this whole parenting-childhood-growing-up-and-family-life thing… I have read acres and acres of child development and parenting books and articles—I’m sure I could build a mansion out of all the books I’ve read. And, I feel reasonably confident after all this time (and all these kids) to face whatever might be put in front … Continue reading

Can You Encourage and Promote Organization in a Child?

Some things just can’t be taught—but some things can. I believe there are things we can do as parents to help encourage and promote a sense of organization in our children. It just may take some time and effort! I consider myself to be moderately organized. I am not Martha Stewart by any stretch of self definition, but I have learned a few tips and techniques over the years and I know a little something about how to keep a life that has a tendency to be a bit chaotic—somewhat organized. I think that organization, to a point, can be … Continue reading

Some Children Are Natural “Loners”

I have written before about “joiners and loners” and how challenging it can be for parents and children when their social temperament do not match. But, it occurred to me that we parents have a tendency to think that we can change and mold our children more than we probably can. Some children are just natural extroverts or introverts and it is as much about temperament and personality as anything else. In this day and age when being labeled a “loner” can be cause for concern about one’s antisocial tendencies, it might behoove us to remember that some children are … Continue reading

When Kids Are Not “Crafty”

Art projects, crafts, and childhood seem to go together. At least if you look at all the activities and projects available for children. But, just as all adults don’t enjoy or feel like they are “good” at crafts and art efforts, plenty of children do not enjoy crafts either. What can you do if you have a child who just isn’t “crafty”? My son was never someone who enjoyed the steady diet of cutting, pasting and coloring that was required in elementary school. It wasn’t that he was “against” it—he just didn’t really have the fine motor skills, or the … Continue reading

What Makes A Good Temperament?

Different people value different personality traits in their pets. Some people look for a dog that will be highly protective of the house and family; some people want a dog that will be friendly and affectionate to friend and stranger alike. Things to think about in temperament: Obedience level. Part of being a responsible owner is knowing that your dog will respond to your commands under pressure. My Lally has a pretty high obedience level — she’s pretty attentive to me. Moose, on the other hand, needs more work. Trainability. Is your dog willing and able to learn new tricks … Continue reading

Kids Who Can’t Be Rushed

I have one of those children…of course, she’s almost grown now and I can attest to the fact that her temperament really hasn’t changed at all. While she has taken over her own time management for the most part—she has always been someone who has no sense of urgency. Not only can she NOT be rushed and hurried, the more someone tries to rush her along, the more she balks and slows down! I have to share, however, that there are some really great things about people who cannot be rushed—kids included. My daughter has an amazing ability to focus … Continue reading