Does My Child Have An Easy or Difficult Temperament?

No one trait is “good” or “bad” but some are definitely more difficult. Knowing your child’s temperament can help you raise your child and eliminate differences between you as a parent and child. There are certain attributes that are considered more positive or negative, but every attribute has certain positive characteristics. It is important as a parent that you focus on the positive attributes even as you help your child deal with the negative. The table below can help you determine how easy or difficult your child is to raise, as well as possible positive behavior, of the child who … Continue reading

The 9 Temperamental Traits

What is temperament? Temperament is a set of traits that helps determine your child’s personality, and in turn their behavior. These traits are inherent from birth, and will most likely remain through adulthood. These characteristics help explain why a child likes to be cuddled, or is constantly moving. Learning about temperament helps parents understand why their children react to certain situations and avoid difficulties. Temperament Traits These traits were developed through careful research compiled and conducted by Doctors Chess and Thomas. Activity Level: is how active your child is most of the time. Is your infant always wiggling? Does he … Continue reading