Mastitis: The Cause of Tabby’s Trouble

Dr. Singleton called me just a little after 10 a.m. Friday to say Tabby was on the mend. She further surprised me by saying I could come get Tabby whenever I was ready. When I’d taken Tabby in, she said she would for sure keep Tabby over night, and it might not be until Saturday I could take her home. So I was overjoyed with relief to hear my girl had improved that much. Dr. Singleton had no idea if a spider bite was to blame, but Tabby had developed mastitis. Most likely it was due to her pregnancy and/or … Continue reading

Nursing Nuisances: Mastitis

Hopefully, you began to breastfeed right after you gave birth (like all the books say you should), and your baby popped right on (like many of the books seem to imply they will), and thus the beautiful nursing relationship began and you and your baby lived happily ever after. But the reality is that breastfeeding, while natural, doesn’t always come naturally. There are bumps and hills along the way. One of the bigger “bumps” is mastitis. Not everyone that nurses gets mastitis and not every pain in the breast is mastitis. Mastitis is generally preceded by an unresolved plugged duct. … Continue reading