Being A Christian Is Not for Wimps

Yesterday we looked at what being a Christian is. A member contacted me admitting he found it hard to always love other believers. I agree it is hard. A lot of things Christians are called to do are hard – like loving others even when sometimes they are unlovable and rub us up the wrong way. It’s hard too at times not to let the cares of this world and the emphasis on material possessions that constantly surround us on the TV and in magazines not take over and shift our focus. Jesus was aware this was a problem … Continue reading

Teach Your Kids About Materialism

The best financial education you can give your children is far more internal than external. Money habits are skills, but financial good sense is something derived from within. The key process is to help your kids develop a healthy appreciation for money and the things it can buy. Teaching your children to value money and their purchases will greater ensure their success and happiness later in life. Like most things you teach your children, the first step is becoming a good role model. A great place to make this effort is to reduce materialism. In general, this word implies the … Continue reading

What I Learned from Pots and Pans

A few days per month I do some cleaning for an elderly woman in my church. For the past few weeks she has been telling me that she had a “special” project for me to do. She mentioned that it had something to do with her pots and pans. I envisioned dirty, greasy cookware that needed serious scrubbing and did not look upon my upcoming task with a friendly eye. I arrived at her house, mentally bracing myself for the unpleasant job. She lined up all of her cookware that needed to be cleaned on her kitchen counter and began … Continue reading

Battling a Materialistic Culture

I remember when I first understood what the word “materialistic” meant. I was in my freshman year of college sitting in a Sunday school class that was discussing modernist and post-modernist philosophies when I heard the word defined. Of course, I knew people who were obsessed with having “stuff”, but I didn’t know there was an actual word for it. Since that time my eyes have been opened to see the sickening level of materialism in this country. More relevantly, my eyes have been opened to the materialism that lurks within my own heart. For instance, before my husband and … Continue reading

Values that Last: Conclusion

I found this series not only to be encouraging to me in my own Christian walk, but has kept me accountable as well. Each week I’ve made great effort to attend church and take notes as our pastor elaborated on each session. Developing values that will last is critical in our faith. It’s important to know which convictions we are to stand by and why. Values that Last: Intro: My hope here was to get others involved in discussion through’s forum. Thank you to those of you who participated and shared your thoughts. My hope was to connect with … Continue reading