Freezer Cooking: Meal Planning (1)

After you have chosen the recipes you wish to make for the month, comes the meal planning process. It is actually fairly simple to accomplish. However, you might want to grab a calendar with upcoming events written on it (so you know what is happening each night), to complete this process, as well as grabbing a blank calendar page or piece of blank paper. This is what to do. I usually have our school schedule, my calendar and a list of activities that commonly happen throughout the week. I also have a pencil and blank calendar page. My recipes that … Continue reading

Switching the Order of Meals Causes Weight Loss?

I like chicken and fish. I can eat them at any time of the day. Baked, grilled, roasted, it doesn’t matter. According to the book, The Reverse Diet, I should start my day with dinner and for dinner have breakfast. It’s the strategy that Tricia Cunningham, creator of the diet and co-author of the book, used to lose 170 pounds. It has been seven years and she is still at her goal weight of 130 pounds. The concept of the diet seems simple, but there is more to it. At first glance, it looks like a new fad. However, according … Continue reading

Save Money By Starting a Meal Making Co-Op

Organizing a meal making co-op will save you loads of money every month. There are several different “types” of co-ops that can be organized, however I have already share one earlier. I will now explain how to create a meal making co-op with neighbors, friends or family. Meal Co-Op A meal co-op has several ways it can work. The best way I have found is for each family to create a list of their families favorite meals. Provide this list to each member of the co-op. A vote is taken on each meal, from each list as to whether all … Continue reading

Saving Money with Meal Planning

Grocery shopping, food, cooking, baking, dining out, there are all sorts of ways you can save money on eating! It’s easy to save money with some general meal planning tips! Begin by taking the time to plan your dinner meals for at least a week. Some frugal minded people like to plan for a couple of weeks, but begin small so you don’t get overwhelmed. Once you’ve tried meal planning for a week at a time, you can add additional weeks, and you can add breakfast and lunch planning. Choose 5-7 meals to make for each – breakfast, lunch and … Continue reading

Great Ways to Cut Your Food Costs (3)

On the last day of this series on cutting your food costs, I’d like you to choose two from each day and begin implementing them into your daily life. If you start slow and only do a couple, you will see savings and you will begin to make it a habit. As you go, continue to try more and more of these tips and you will soon be an expert at shopping for food and providing low-cost meals to your family. Here are my final tips in this series: Purchase skim milk instead of whole or 2%. The lower the … Continue reading