Ignoring God’s Promptings

Have you ever felt prompted NOT to do a certain thing but went ahead anyway? Or you felt a prompting to do something but didn’t? Afterwards you realized you should have listened to that inner voice. A while back I had such an experience. For our 40th wedding anniversary my husband bought me a beautiful ring. I wanted to wear it to a 21st birthday party. So I did. We slept overnight at our son’s place, which meant I also wore the ring to the football game the next day. Even though I felt prompted to take the ring off, … Continue reading

No Cook Dinner

I’m almost embarrassed to tell you what I fed my family tonight for dinner. But since they thought it was great fun, I’ll tell you. We had a big, busy day with a trip to the movies, the health food store, the big warehouse store, and exercising at the YMCA. By the time we got home we were all tired, and the house was very hot. We don’t have air conditioning, and most of the time we don’t really need it here in Colorado. Today though, some cooling air would have been nice. The house was too hot to cook … Continue reading