Combining Meat and Cheese

When I’m looking for a quick meal to serve on a busy weeknight, I often turn to my initials—-MC. When my family members see MC on the dinner calendar that hangs on our refrigerator door they instantly know that we’ll be dining on two favorites: Meat and cheese. I have a seemingly endless variety of recipes, which feature a combination of meat and cheese, that are fast, tasty and nutritious. Some of my family’s favorites are: CHEEZ-IT MEATLOAF Ingredients: 2 pounds ground beef 1 cup crushed Cheez-It crackers (you can also use a generic version of cheese crackers) 1/4 cup … Continue reading

Autumn Recipes: Apple and Cranberry Meatloaf

Meatloaf is my friend. If you parent a picky eater then you can surely relate. Meatloaf can disguise a multitude of ingredients that less than adventurous eaters wouldn’t typically touch with a 10-foot pole. Personally, I look at meatloaf like a sponge. It happily absorbs just about any ingredient and dulls its flavors enough so that you know you are eating something other than meat, but you can’t always identify exactly what that “other” item might be. Which makes it the ideal vehicle to sneak in fruits and vegetables your kids might not normally eat without bribes of chocolate chip … Continue reading

Fall Harvest Apple Meatloaf

Did you go apple picking this weekend? We went about a week ago and I’m still only about halfway through the bushel (about 42 pounds) we collected. Needless to say, it’s all apples all the time around here. Preparing apple dishes morning, noon and night has forced me to dig deep into my recipe archives. Last night I came across two meatloaf recipes that call for apples, though I’ve only experimented with one and that was way back in college when I was living with a girl who was majoring in Food Science. In any event, if you are looking … Continue reading

Autumn Recipes: V is for Venison

Prior to moving to Wisconsin from Hawaii I had never heard of venison let alone allow it to pass by my lips. Now that I have been here a while and become indoctrinated (somewhat) to the lifestyle, I’ve devoured many tasty venison dishes and most of them were eaten this time of year since fall marks the start of the deer hunting season. For those of you who are not familiar with the lean meat, venison refers to any wild game meat, though over time (at least in these parts) it has evolved to describe mainly deer meat. Venison is … Continue reading

Autumn Recipes: C is for Comfort Food

Fall’s cooler weather makes piping hot, down home comfort food taste that much better. When I think of comfort food thoughts of my grandfather’s famous pot roast and my dad’s incredible meatloaf and my grandmother’s warm potato salad (featuring chunks of fall apples and thick smoky bacon) come to mind. Both take prep time that you might not have on a busy weeknight, but on a late Sunday afternoon when a stiff wind is blowing leaves across your yard a hot homemade meal is the perfect way to embrace the season. OLD FASHION MEATLOAF Ingredients: 1 cup of finely chopped … Continue reading

Meals to Share with Your Dog

I’ve recently been introduced to BARK magazine (the vet who owns the cats-only boarding facility has a subscription) and they had a recipe in the April 2008 issue that sounds absolutely delicious: meatloaf made with lean meat, oatmeal, and veggies. The recipe creators probably didn’t plan on readers like me who wanted to make the dish for themselves… but it got me thinking. There are probably lots of meals that would be nutritious and delicious for both pups and people. Dogs need foods from many of the same food groups humans do: Meats/proteins like ground beef, turkey, or chicken. Fruits … Continue reading

Bacon Double Cheeseburger Meatloaf

Who says you have to go to a fast food drive-thru to get a mouth-watering bacon double cheeseburger? Actually, my 3-year-old can’t stand hamburger buns, which is why this recipe is so popular in my home. As you can tell by the title this is a recipe for meatloaf, not cheeseburgers, but you could easily place a couple slices on a bun and have a burger that would rival the ones sold at Wendy’s. Besides the incredible flavor and untraditional ingredients (you don’t find many meatloaf recipes that call for bacon) this dish is also family-friendly in that it doesn’t … Continue reading

Four Delicious Ways to Stretch a Meat-loaf

Meatloaf is a great meal when it comes to being frugal in the kitchen. With a little bit of thought, it can be stretched out to serve more with less meat, the most expensive ingredient in the dish. Here are five general ways that you can use the humble meat-loaf to make some delicious but frugal meals. For this exercise in stretching a meat-loaf, I’ll assume that you are already doing your frugal best by using less expensive choices in meat. I usually make a meat-loaf using ground turkey, which I can get pretty inexpensively on sale and in bulk. … Continue reading

Meatloaf and Roasted Potatoes

Meatloaf is one of those meals our mothers made when we were little. We forget about it during our college-aged years, then for some reason pull out the old recipe when we become mothers ourselves. Here’s a yummy recipe I made last night. Serve it with these roasted potatoes and I promise, no one will be complaining. For this recipe you’ll need: 1 pound ground beef 1 egg, beaten ½ yellow onion, grated (1/4 of a cup) 1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce 1 teaspoon garlic powder ½ teaspoon all spice 1 teaspoon kosher salt ½ cup dried Italian Breadcrumbs ¼ cup … Continue reading

Meatloaf Muffins with Barbecue Sauce and Smashed Potatoes

I love meatloaf. Fortunately (because I like to cook it frequently), so does my husband. Even when I was on Atkins, I substituted the cracker crumbs with pork rinds and continued making meatloaf. Today, I found this great recipe from Rachael Ray’s 30 Minute Meals site called Meatloaf muffins served with smashed potatoes. I cannot wait to try this recipe! For both these recipes, you will need about 1 2/3 pounds of ground sirloin, one medium onion, celery, a green bell pepper, eggs, milk, breadcrumbs, Montreal Steak Seasoning, barbecue sauce, tomato salsa, Worcestershire sauce, extra-virgin olive oil, 2 1/2 pounds … Continue reading