Are Doctors Always Right?

Good medical care and a trusted primary care physician are vital to the average western family. Many of us turn to our doctors to help us understand our children from infancy and figure out what sort of care to give and adjustments to make. We need to be able to trust and believe in our doctor as an expert, but can that get us into trouble? Are doctors always right or should we learn to be a bit more skeptical, inquisitive and objective? Now, do not get me wrong, doctors and primary care are important resources for the family. We … Continue reading

Changing Pediatricians or Doctors

Maybe you have a fabulous pediatrician whom you love who is retiring, or you have changed health insurance plans and are being forced to change pediatricians, or your children have grown and you think a family doctor would be a better fit—there are myriad reasons why families need to change pediatricians or doctors—but that doesn’t make the process any less daunting. Here are some suggestions to help you through the process… First, don’t panic. You can take a little time to find someone you truly like and trust. Even if your insurance is changing and you’re feeling the pressure to … Continue reading

Against All Odds Again

Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of Tommy’s “gotcha day”. Gotcha day is the term used in the adoption community to celebrate and remember the day that a child came to your home to stay. I have already written about the problems that we had with Tommy’s behavior and the fact that he had a “heart scar” down the middle of his chest with no explanation from the state. Tommy came to us one month after his brother Caleb had joined our family. Caleb had a very rough first month of his life. Now that we know almost all of their … Continue reading

A Patient Bill of Rights

In 1998, the US Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry adopted the following bill of rights. You can read the full report here or just get the highlights below. Sometimes we feel helpless or confused at the doctor’s office… this Bill of Rights can help give you the confidence you need to ask the questions that need asking, and fight for better health care for yourself and your family. Information Disclosure You have the right to accurate and easily understood information about your health plan, health care professionals, and care facilities. If you and … Continue reading