Don’t Fall–Tips to Avoid a Medical Claim Because of A Ladder!

: I am constantly telling my family I don’t have the time to visit the Emergency Room, and there is no time of the year I mean this more then the holiday season. Really, the last thing any of us want to be doing during this time of the year is sitting and waiting to be seen at the hospital for an avoidable accident. Your health care insurance would rather not pay a claim for a preventable injury it just makes a lot of extra paperwork, stress and costs for everyone involved. An estimated 164,000 people end up in the … Continue reading

Health Care With A Guarantee?

A citizen group is telling Congress what Americans want when it comes to health care: protection for all from outrageously high medical expenses and a guarantee of coverage for certain tests and treatments. The group is known as the Citizens’ Health Care Working Group and they were created by Congress to assist in the execution Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003. The fifteen members of the citizens’ group represent businesses, organized labor, health care providers, and consumers. Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt is also a member. In the last eighteen months, the group held more … Continue reading