Six Questions to Ask Your Self Before Buying Something New 2

If you want to get ahead financially, you have to spend less. One great way to do this is to avoid purchases that aren’t really wanted or needed. To do this, it is helpful to ask yourself six different questions before you actually purchase something. This will help you determine if you really want or really need the item, or if there is a way to get the item for free or for a lower cost. You can also find out if the item is worth the expense. In yesterday’s blog post, I counted down the first three questions to … Continue reading

First Impressions Count at Yard Sales

There are still some great yard sales to visit before the winter sets in. Now is one of the best times to shop at yard sales, actually. The weather is still quite good, and many people are in a great mood to start cleaning out their houses of stuff before the holidays are upon us. They may also be looking to earn some extra money for the coming holiday season, and are more likely to have giant yard sales. When it comes to shopping at yard sales, having a good ability to bargain can really take you a long way. … Continue reading

Saving on Seasonal Stuff

I admit that I complain quite a bit about how the retail stores are constantly rushing the seasons. For example, when did it make it okay to go ahead and put Christmas trees up in September? The holiday season is still months away, and I haven’t full recovered from the chaos of back to school. Heck, I still haven’t fully realized that summer is over. Do you know what I mean? I’m waiting for the eventual moment when the merchandise is pushed so far back in the year that it wraps all of the way around and becomes timely again. … Continue reading

Top Ten Thrift Store Tips

Whether you are looking for vintage or just a great bargain, shopping at a thrift store can be a great experience. From my admired outfit that cost $1.50 to valuable Antique Road Show finds, you’ll do better when you keep the following top ten tips in mind. 10. Shop around to find the best thrift stores. Don’t get turned off by the first thrift store you find. Some are much better than others, so shop around. 9. Set aside enough time to really browse. Sometimes you’ll walk into a thrift store and see exactly what you are looking for from … Continue reading

When a Bargain Isn’t a Bargain

Yesterday, after a day of getting some great Target deals, we stopped by the Chinese buffet restaurant owned by some friends. My daughter opened a fortune cookie with an interesting message. It said, “A bargain isn’t a bargain when you don’t need the product.” Even the fortune cookies are going recession. Later that night, we were flipping through the television channels when the new show, “Hoarders” came on. We were just amazed watching families who have a hoarding disorder that causes them to overfill their homes with too much stuff. One family was in danger of losing their children to … Continue reading

Avoid the Shopping Bug

Just like a regular virus, the shopping bug can make you ill, or in this case your finances ill. The shopping bug can be caught, and you can suffer it long term. Here are some suggestions on how to avoid catching this bug in the first place. Inoculate Yourself Having a new attitude toward stuff can really help inoculate yourself against the shopping bug. Shopping is often seen as a firm of entertainment, but at the end of the day, purchases are all just stuff. And we often have too much stuff. Why not concentrate on a few things that … Continue reading

A New Wardrobe for Free

If you took only an hour today, I bet you could find a whole new wardrobe right in your own home! Here are some tips on how to get a new set of outfits all for free. When I read Andrea’s blog about how the 80s are back, I got inspired. Not by the 80s clothes in particular, I’ve had enough neon pink belts and acid washed jeans to last me a lifetime, but by the thought that there is usually an entire new wardrobe waiting in everyone’s closets and drawers, if only they would take the time to discover … Continue reading

Practical Clothes Shopping

About a week ago I had to opportunity to go out shopping with a good friend. Her mission was to get me out of my standard uniform of jeans, tops and sneakers and into something with more style. The rules were that I was not allowed to buy anything black it’s classic), and I was not allowed to buy socks. You see, my practicality being what it is, socks are infinitely useful. Besides being worn on the feet, once they become worn out, they can still be used for many other things. Plus, it is rare to find new socks … Continue reading

Clothing Bargain Tips at the Goodwill

Shopping at a thrift store is just the first step to getting some major bargains. There are a couple of tricks to know to make sure that you walk away with the best merchandise for the least price. Use the colors to your advantage At the Goodwill, clothing is given a colored tag or plastic strip when it comes in the door and is put out onto the floor. There is a different color for each week, and the colors rotate. When it is time for the color to come up again, any merchandise that is already on the floor … Continue reading

Acts of Love

When you think of acts of love, perhaps you think of the obvious one like the sexual act, kisses, cuddles and the like. Sure they are important acts of love. But there are others. What constitutes an act of love might well depend on the couple and the circumstances at the time. For example recently Mick attacked our clothes line with a broom and spider spray. He knows I am frightened of spiders and hate the thought of one crawling inside clothes while they are drying in the sunshine. Having been on the receiving end of a spider bite after … Continue reading