Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Many Medications!

Lately, it seems like a lot of our guests at the cats-only boarding facility are on some form of medication. When you think about it, it makes sense — somebody’s got to handle the meds if the owner is away! A healthy cat may be okay at home alone for a weekend with just a friend or neighbor to stop in and make sure there is food and water available. We keep a big wipe-off board with a list of all the cats who need medication, what they get (and how much each dose is), and when they get it. … Continue reading

Penicillin Allergy

A penicillin allergy is an allergic reaction to penicillin antibiotics. Basically, your body’s immune system overreacts to the drug. A penicillin allergy is the most common type of drug allergy. Some people who are allergic to penicillin are also allergic to other similar or related antibiotics. (I have a penicillin allergy and can’t take other related antibiotics, either.) However, there are many people out there who think they have a penicillin allergy but don’t. Just like other types of allergies, you can outgrow the allergy or become less sensitive to penicillin. Some people may have had a bad reaction as … Continue reading

Saving Money on Prescriptions

Have you noticed how expensive prescriptions are getting these days? I’m not sure how anyone can really afford them. I keep saying it, but it is true. Fortunately, there are a couple of tricks that you can use to save money on prescriptions. Here they are. Wal-mart $4 Wal-mart has a promotion in which they charge only $4 for many common prescriptions. Wal-mart lists more than 360 prescriptions that qualify for the discount. To take advantage of this, you can print out the list of medicine names and take it with you the next time you visit the doctor. Very … Continue reading

Take Generics Safely

Not all medicines are created equal. Although generics are equivalent to name brand medications in most ways, you may find that your generic medication doesn’t work exactly the same way your name brand prescription does. I experienced this when I switched from a name brand antidepressant to a generic. On the generic, I find that some of the side effects are milder. I’m very happy with my switch! However, some people find that switching to a generic is less effective for their health issues. Here are some things you can do to make sure your generics are working right for … Continue reading

Adult Drugs in Childrens’ Bodies

Medicines that work well for adults may not be safe or effective for children or teens. It may not be safe to assume that your doctor is prescribing a drug that has been tested and declared safe for your child. Here are some questions you can ask to help make sure your child is getting the right medications. Why are you prescribing this drug? Some doctors think parents expect to go home with drugs every time. Studies have shown that sometimes drugs just aren’t needed. Ear infections, for example, often go away just as quickly without antibiotics! Will a “wait … Continue reading

Saving Money on Medication

Medication, whether it is prescription or over the counter, seems to be getting more and more expensive these days, even with insurance. The other day, for example, I had to pay full price for a common medication because the number of refills my insurance company allows was up. This got me thinking about some of the ways we can save on medications without compromising our health. Here they are. Try reputable mail order. Some insurance companies require you to get refills filled through mail order, rather than through your neighborhood pharmacy. And even if this doesn’t apply to you, you … Continue reading

The Right Foods Can Counteract Drug Side Effects

At some point in your life, you’ll most likely be taking a prescription medicine. Maybe it’ll be short term; maybe it’ll be long term. Some long term prescriptions can deplete essential nutrients from your body, but a few small dietary changes can help. Statins — drugs that can help lower cholesterol — can deplete levels of coenzyme Q10. This can leave you with sore muscles, elevated liver enzymes, and feelings of fatigue. Adding more lean meat, chicken, and fish to your diet can help boost levels of coenzyme Q10. Medications for high blood pressure, like vasodilators or beta-blockers can deplete … Continue reading

ADHD and Medication: Finding the Right Dose

If your child is on stimulant therapy for ADHD, finding the right dose can be difficult. Every child is an individual who will respond physically and mentally to medication in different ways. Even when a dosage has been working well for some time, it will likely need to be adjusted as your child grows and develops. The difference between the correct dose and an incorrect one can make all the difference in your child’s outlook. Finding a dose that will benefit your child requires a triangular partnership between you as the parent, your child’s pediatrician, and your child’s teacher. What … Continue reading

Are You a Cyberchondriac?

There are hundreds of medical websites online, many offering self-diagnosis. Aligned with these sites are those selling medications online, often without a doctor’s prescription. The combination of these two facilities can be harmful to your health. The British medical journal The Lancet quotes one case where a woman diagnosed herself with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and self-medicated with steroid drugs which she obtained without prescription from Thailand. A few years down the track she was diagnosed with two eye complaints: side effects brought about by the continual use of these drugs. This case is just one of thousands that come to … Continue reading

Medicine or Faith?

For some proclaimed Christians, seeking certain types of medical treatment and using various types of medicines can be viewed as a lack in faith or believed to be against God’s plan. There are people who prefer to avoid many medications because of the unknown future complications that could arise. The Bible show us some medications used during its history: Wine used to numb pain (Proverbs 23:35) Ointment to sooth (Isaiah 1:6, Luke 10:34) Figs to treat a boil (2 Kings 20:7, Isaiah 38:21) Leaves used for medicine (Ezekiel 47:12) Jesus recognized physicians (Matthew 9:11) Wine with myrrh for pain (Mark … Continue reading