Dangerous Paths

Our world has a fascination with astrology, physic phenomena, fortunetelling and the occult. Just look at the TV shows which are, or have in the past, littered our screens. Shows like Charmed, The Supernatural, Ghost Whisperer, Medium etc. Pick up almost any magazine or newspaper and you will find astrology pages, often along with other pages about asking psychics for help, or fortune tellers or interpretation of dreams etc. This is without even mentioning the internet and mobile phone and text messages. According to today’s world you can find a mate by the stars, garden by the stars, choose the … Continue reading

The Occult and Christians

The book of Ephesians goes a little into spiritual warfare. If you don’t believe in a spirit realm, I ask you to really examine why. There is too much evil in our world today, and yet so many miraculous things happening that it’s impossible for me to believe differently than the Bible states. God gives us very clear instruction through out the Word not to have any dealings with various aspects of the “dark side”. He is not out to prevent us from having fun, but rather wants us to protect our souls. It’s so important for us to remain … Continue reading