Women’s Fitness: It’s That Time of the Month

Hey ladies, you know what time I’m talking about and you know how it can leave you feeling discombobulated and uncomfortable. Over the years, it’s been my experience that when you have cramps, bloating and other discomfort – working out is not necessarily high on your list. So let’s talk about that for a few minutes – first and foremost, if you are that uncomfortable – skipping your workout or reducing the intensity of it is not a bad plan. Regular Exercise Can Help Though If you exercise regularly, however, maintaining a regular exercise routine 3 to 5 times a … Continue reading

Fertility and Doing the Pregnancy Limbo

When you struggling to get pregnant, you may find that you are more than willing to throw $10 after $10 to purchase a home pregnancy test in order to find out if maybe, just maybe this time – you are pregnant. In fact, when I went through this the first time, I hated it. Now, having attempted to get pregnant for a while, I’ve literally begun to master ignoring this time period because otherwise I would drive myself nuts. The trouble is – even as efficient as the modern day pregnancy test is – it still needs ten to twelve … Continue reading