Things Married Friends Do That Annoy Single Parents

Over the years many of my friends have been guilty of at least one of the annoying habits listed below. Although they’re famous for trying to make me feel better, help out, and be supportive, at times they can do the exact opposite. As a single parent, have you run across any of these situations? Friends Who Ask About Your Ex Whether you’ve been divorced for six months or six years, for some reason I always run into friends who want to know how my ex is doing. Since we didn’t part on the best of terms, I honestly don’t … Continue reading

Blessed to Be Single

As the new single parents blogger, I have been spending some time reading through other posts in this blog. In doing so, I have been able to get a sense of what has already been covered and find inspiration for my own future posts. One topic that I have seen a lot of is dating as a single parent, and while I understand why this would be an important issue, I am amazed that I have not been able to locate even one post about the joys of being single. So I decided that would be my inspiration for this … Continue reading

Ten Reasons Why Your Period May Be Irregular

A late or skipped period is often cause for alarm. Am I pregnant? Is something else wrong with me? But you may not need to panic! The average woman has between eleven and thirteen periods per year — but that’s just an average. If your cycle is longer or shorter, that may be normal for you and you don’t need to worry! Here are some common causes for an irregular or skipped menstrual cycle: Pregnancy. Yep, it’s number one according to WebMD. If you think you might be pregnant, treat yourself as if you ARE pregnant until you get things … Continue reading

Would You Allow Your 15-Year-Old Daughter to Date a 20-Year-Old Guy?

If you are Billy Ray Cyrus not only do you give your daughter your blessing on the relationship, but you also pat yourself on the back for setting her up. Fifteen-year-old tween sensation Miley Cyrus may be staying mum on the exact status of her relationship with 20-year-old “guy pal” Justin Gaston, but her self-proclaimed protective pop Billy Ray had no problem flapping his lips on TV’s “Access Hollywood” earlier this week. The “Achy Breaky Heart” singer spoke to reporters at his daughter’s early Sweet 16 birthday blow out at Disneyland Sunday night (her actual birthday is November 23rd) and … Continue reading

Dating Violence in Schools

Dating violence is becoming more and more common. Possessive boyfriends that become jealous, demanding, isolate young teen girls and then finally become violent with them are not usual even on school grounds. Sometimes dating violence has fatal consequences that can end a young life and leave her family in ruins. Just two states mandate teaching kids about dating violence in schools. Texas mandates awareness education on dating violence, although the specific education requirements are not specified. Other states say they encourage this education, although it is not required. But Rhode Island is progressive on the issue. It recently passed a … Continue reading

Single Parent Dating—do You Want to be “Fixed Up?”

Once you have decided to get back into the dating world as a single parent, you have a few different options regarding how to approach it. There is on line or internet dating where you can scope out potential dates from the privacy of your own home, you can consider group activities or social groups that will lead you to potential dates, or you can let friends and acquaintances “fix you up” and try to set up dates for you with other single people they know. While you get to decide which one(s) work for you, you might have to … Continue reading

Group Dates as a Single Parent

We often talk about the challenges and realities of dating as a single parent here in the Single Parents blog. I figure I know a little bit about this subject since I have been single for several years and have definitely been on my share of dates (and then some.) One great way that single parents can get out there and meet new people, but without the stress and pressure of a one-on-one date, is to consider group dating—going out with a group of other single people or doing a group activity. Group dates can be much less pressure and … Continue reading

Single Parent Dating—Going Away for the Weekend, Part Two

Yesterday, I introduced the topic of single parents and going away for a romantic weekend. This is such a big subject and a potentially challenging concern for a dating single parent that I thought in addition to talking about the coordination and planning as I did yesterday, I would talk about the different feelings that the single parent may wrestle with when a relationship reaches this stage… Depending on your value system, and the stage that you have reached in your dating relationship, going away for a couple days may be an inevitable development. It can offer you an opportunity … Continue reading

Single Parent Dating—Going Away for the Weekend, Part One

Eventually, the opportunity or interest may come up in your single parent dating experiences to get away from the realities of home for a couple days and get away for the weekend. What might be a typical activity in the evolution of an adult relationship can be a big deal for single parent. It takes coordination, explanation, and nips into the family budget. Deciding it is the right time, and figuring out how to go about planning and executing a romantic weekend get-away can be a major operation for the average single parent. Of course, it depends on the age(s) … Continue reading

You’re Dating Again, Now What? Part Two

I wrote earlier about how getting back into the swing of dating can take more than just making up one’s mind that the time has come. Once we single parents decide that we are ready to put ourselves out there, it opens up a whole new can of worms. In addition to getting support and taking things at a slow and non-desperate pace as I wrote in Part One, it is also important to figure out the place that dating will play in our already busy lives. We have all heard horror stories of parents who neglect or ignore their … Continue reading