The Value of Vacation

One of the drawbacks of being a freelancer is that just about every day is a work day for me. If I’m not writing, I’m at the cats-only boarding facility — a job I took mainly so I’d have some work outside the home, and a chance to interact with people. There are many days when I do both. This week, I took two days in a row off. I wrote ahead so my clients would have their projects covered. Time off was scheduled from the cats-only boarding facility. I had absolutely nothing to do. It was great. I didn’t … Continue reading

P is for Playtime

Do you get enough play time in your routines? We talked about over training yesterday and the danger that poses to your health and overall fitness, today let’s talk about play time. Play time is exactly what it sounds, where you get to go out and be physical, but instead of doing a workout – you’re doing it for fun. Summer Pool Time It’s summer time and whether you have a pool in the backyard, a community pool or a pool at your fitness club or YMCA – the swimming pool is a great place to play with the kids … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 14: Crash & Rest Day

Good morning! Welcome to you 14th day of the Spring Forward to Action 30 Day Challenge. Tomorrow marks the halfway point towards completing. How are you doing? Are you experiencing muscle fatigue or soreness? How are you feeling about your overall progress? For myself, I’ve lost two pounds of measurable weight, but one overall inch. My workout was impeded by bronchitis, so I’ve had to trim my workouts back to not overdue it on my breathing capacity. But I’ve already started to bounce back. I am very glad that today is a rest day, however. I’m looking forward to taking … Continue reading