What Would Bill Cosby Do? (Or Mrs. Cosby for That Matter?)

Even after nearly twenty years of parenting, I do NOT think of myself as an expert. Instead, I think of myself as still a parent in training. I try to draw on experts and channel the wisdom of those parenting sages who have gone before me. Usually it is a combination of Erma Bombeck and Bill Cosby—although I do tend to lean toward the feminine perspective… I think we all need a mentor—even if it an imaginary one. After all, when we’re deep in the parenting trenches and faced with one of those many situations where we are completely out … Continue reading

Senior Citizens as Business Mentors

Where do we turn for mentors and advisors? As a matter of fact, what makes a good mentor or advisor for a small home business owner? My first and foremost prerequisite is that I want someone who has actually “been there” and can offer personal experience and hands-on help. Retired senior citizens can be a great resource for the small business mentor. It seems that the older generation of adults and workers has more experience with running small businesses than people my own age. I don’t have statistics on this and it is purely my opinion based on anecdotal experience, … Continue reading

Who Can Open Doors for You?

We occasionally talk about mentors and networking here in the Home Business blog, but I’d like to take things a step further. While you never know who you might be meeting or talking too and it is great to continue to cast your net far and wide as you meet new people, sometimes you really need to find the “right” people—those people who can open doors for you and help you get where you really need to go right now… The more comfortable you get in your field or industry, the better you will be able to identify those people … Continue reading

Compiling a Team of Experts

So, maybe we are not Fortune 500 companies with gobs of power and prestige, and maybe most of us don’t really know the sorts of movers and shakers that advise big businesses. But, this doesn’t need to stop us from compiling our own team of experts to serve as mentors and advisors for our home based businesses. In fact, we need this team of experts to help keep us informed, inspired, and motivated. Where do these experts come from? The experts you need for your home business do not necessarily need to have a string of initials after their names … Continue reading

Letting Your Influences Change

I think one of the ways we can choke our businesses is by getting in a place where we have limited influences. Perhaps we have found a great mentor, or a particular business author who we rely on and go to again and again. While it is great to have the tried and true methods and influences to fall back on, we also need to let new ideas and influences into our businesses if we are going to continue moving forward. Now, I’m not saying you need to abandon those influences that you have come to trust and rely on … Continue reading

Find Out the Background of Coaches, Leaders, and Instructors

I have written before about how important it is for our children to make connections with other adults–coaches, scout leaders, art class instructors, teachers, etc. BUT, I also have to admit that a day does not go by that I don’t read about some misuse of these positions by an adult who has abused a child or children. As parents, we might just automatically think that a person has been through a thorough screening and background check in order to step into such a powerful and influential position and not want to be the nervous cynic–but some diligence might be … Continue reading

Maybe Your Child Needs Someone Else to Talk To

Some children do not open up readily while others are regular open books and chatter boxes! It is quite common for a child to go through stages and phases where talking to mom or dad about what is going on doesn’t come easily or is not the first choice. I think every parent wants their child to feel like he or she can talk about anything and everything—but that isn’t always the case. The child just might benefit from having another trusted adult that he or she can talk to. A safe, adult confidant can be hard to come by … Continue reading

Could You Use a Business Coach?

In recent years, the industry of “business coaches” has sprung up and is thriving in even small towns and cities. These individuals offer their services to encourage, guide, direct, and motivate business owners and help them organize and grow their businesses. Many business coaches focus on small business owners and some are even experts in working with start-ups and home-based businesses. What should you look for in a business coach and how do you know if you need one? If you are feeling stuck or, after reading all the business books and magazines you can get your hands on, are … Continue reading

Mature Christians

You can be a Christian your whole life and still not be mature in your faith. Fact is we will spend our whole lives with the opportunity to grow and still not have achieved the perfection of Christ. Thankfully God isn’t looking for perfect people, just hearts that long to know Him and follow Him. I’ve been a Christian a long time but I would not necessarily consider myself mature in faith. I am impressionable and vulnerable to temptation that can cause me to backslide into old habits. I want to grow and mature but the truth is, I lack … Continue reading

Modeling Mentors

In thinking about mentors in your own life, what is it about them you find inspiring? Whom you chose to model aspects of your life after is truly important. I have various mentors around me but perhaps those with the most important impact on my being are those who model a Christian walk with the Lord. The Bible shares a great deal about the importance of good company. Here are a few points: Proverbs 22:24-25, “Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, lest you learn his ways and set a snare for … Continue reading