Rivals in Yahoo Bidding War

It seems that Microsoft will not be alone for much longer. Two new companies are currently considering bidding on Yahoo, upping the ante and the drama of the possible hostile takeover of the search engine giant, Yahoo. Last week, Microsoft placed a bid of $44.6 billion to buy out Yahoo. Critics against Microsoft taking over Yahoo worry about anti-trust issues and a “MicroHoo” monopoly on e-mail and Internet services. Those for the bid say that it would be a way to bring down Yahoo’s competitor, Google. New information has emerged saying that Yahoo had rejected a similar bid from Microsoft … Continue reading

Microsoft Bid for Yahoo Heats Up

Last week, Microsoft made a 45 million dollar bid to buy Yahoo, swooping in shortly after the search engine giant announced that it would be forced to conduct employee layoffs sue to sagging funds. There are many critics against the move, and none taking more of a lead than rival search engine Google, which calls the bid an attempt at a hostile takeover.. Just yesterday, the chief legal officer of Google, David Drummer, made an announcement that Google will not sit quietly by on the sidelines as Microsoft attempts to monopolize the Internet. On his blog, Drummond said he questions … Continue reading

Computing Week in Review: January 14th Through January 20th

Have you heard the news about the new ultra portable laptop? And don’t choose the wrong high definition format for your movies or you can find yourself lost and alone. All of that information is here in the review for last week’s computing articles. January 14th Computing Week in Review: January 7th Through January 13th This week we have focused on televisions and high definition electronics, along with a bit of news from Apple, including a possible new iPhone. Did you miss any of these articles? Check them out right here. Protect Your Kids! Cell Phones and Predators Cell phones … Continue reading

Office 2008, New Blogging Tool and HD DVD

Here are the latest headlines in the world of technology. Office 2008 Released Yesterday, Microsoft officially released Office 2008 for the Mac. The announcement was made at MacWorld, which is taking place in San Francisco. The software was originally scheduled to be released sometime last year, but lingering problems and software bugs delayed the release. Microsoft is also becoming more support of Mac, redesigning a website, Mactopia.com, that showcases Microsoft products to be used with the Mac platform. New Blogging Tool Going into Beta testing today is a new blogging tool that promises to allow you to update your blog … Continue reading

Santa Talks Dirty, and Other Computing News for December 6th

In the headlines: Microsoft Santa Talks Dirty, New Intel Processors are Coming, and Facebook apologizes. Facebook Apologizes Facebook is in the news again regarding its controversial “social add” policy. You may remember from an earlier blog that Facebook implemented a new system that automatically tracked users interests and purchases and sent out ads to everyone in their list. Critics of the new system said that it violates users privacy and was implemented on the sly. Wednesday, CEO Mark Zuckerberg issued a small apology and talked about changed that are being made to the ad system, known as Beacon. “We’ve made … Continue reading

Your Personal Health Online

On Thursday, Microsoft fulfilled their planned dream (since 2000) of launching a website for managing personal medical information. But, will the technology be able to protect the privacy of it’s users? And will having the medical records online will allow for better medical treatment because of easy access? The free web site service, Microsoft HealthVault acts as a library for medical and health-related information, for an individual or family. It can hold data such as immunization records, records from doctors and hospitals, information from medical devices, such as heart monitors and more. The personal medical data can also be linked … Continue reading

Halo 3 Reviews

Wondering if Halo 3 lives up to the hype? Well, check out the reviews that are just pouring in across the country on the latest hot video game. Halo 3 was released by Microsoft for the Xbox 360 yesterday. Here is what everyone has to say about it. From CNN CNN gave Halo 3 rave reviews, saying that it definitely lived up to the hype. Cnn says: “The extraordinary high-definition graphics, which include many noninteractive cinematic story sequences, push the limits of the Xbox 360. Thousands of lines of dialogue and a Hollywood-quality epic musical score also help you become … Continue reading

Celebrities Get “Their Halo 3 On”

Halo 3 debuted today for the Xbox 360 after weeks and weeks of promotional hype. This third installment of the popular video game series was created by Microsoft. And although the company won’t say how many millions of dollars went into its development and promotion (probably more like tens of millions), Microsoft says it is confident that it will outdoor the summer blockbuster movie Spiderman 3. Why the movie comparison? I’m not sure. Shouldn’t apples be compared to apples and video games to video games? Perhaps the comparison is one more way to grab people’s attention in an avalanche of … Continue reading

Computing Review: September 8th Through September 14th

Have you ever been a victim of an e-mail hoax? The answer is probably, yes. Did you did forward that message about the missing child, or the one about the everyday product that could cause cancer? We’ve started a new series here in the Computing Blog all about e-mail hoaxes. If you missed the beginning of the series, you can click below to review. Other interesting blogs this week include some tips on what to do if you accidentally sent out an e-mail that you shouldn’t have sent. Here is the Computing Blog Week in Review for September 8th Through … Continue reading

Microsoft Releases “Critical” and “Important” Security Patches

Yesterday, Microsoft released a total of four software patches to fix various security flaws. One patch in particular was labeled “critical” by Microsoft; it fixes a hole that could potentially let hackers take over a user’s computer. Victims would be at risk if they visited a website and installed a program that then downloaded malicious code. This “critical” patch affects only Windows 2000 users. A second released patch fixes security holes that affect Microsoft instant messaging programs. These patches were assigned the second highest rating by Microsoft, that of “important.” The security flaw here affects all PC users of MSN … Continue reading