There are So Many Things I Can’t Relate to Anymore!

Life changes us, I don’t care what some people say. I have a friend who maintains that people do not really change and that we just keep working on the same issues over and over again. That might be true for some people, but I think that parenthood, and especially single parenthood has changed me in all sorts of ways. There are some people, ideas, and “things” that I just cannot relate to anymore… Of course, there are plenty of people in my life who either knew me as a young pre-parent adult, or have only known me as a … Continue reading

Midlife Crisis or Just Crisis?

While people seem to adjust to becoming middle aged better these days it doesn’t mean that midlife crisis can’t or won’t occur. In fact, refusing to acknowledge it can make it even more serious. It is also important to note that it isn’t always a midlife crisis, although the concept is very similar, even when it strikes before what most people consider “middle age.” At some point, we all ask the question, “Where did the time go?” For some, this will be a simple time of reflection. It may lead them to try new things, to make more time for … Continue reading