Combat Migraines With Feverfew

Today I woke up with a migraine. Years ago this wouldn’t have surprised me since I’ve suffered with severe migraines for decades. They started when I was about 14 and peaked during my 20s. Over the years they’ve steadily dissipated, but when they do strike they can put life on hold. Thankfully, I always keep a bottle of the herb feverfew on hand. When I’m awake, it’s easy to tell if one of these headaches is about to strike, since there are some common warning signs. Most sufferers experience one or more of the following pre-migraine symptoms: *Flashing lights that … Continue reading

Allergies and Migraines Linked

A recent study of children and adults with nasal allergies found that there may be a link between allergies and migraines. Histamine, the compound that causes allergy problems may also help trigger migraines. During an allergic reaction, your immune system releases histamines. The study looked at nearly three hundred people — both children and adults — and the presence or lack of migraine symptoms. For people with allergic rhinitis (also known as hay fever), a third of the participants met the diagnostic criteria for migraines. For study participants without allergy issues, only four percent of participants met the diagnostic criteria … Continue reading

Migraines and Magnesium

Some recent research from a team at the State University of New York shows that magnesium may have an impact on your migraine suffering. Migraines affect a lot of people in the United States — approximately eighteen million women and five million men. I can remember my mother being practically incapacitated by occasional migraines when I was a child; she would lie in a dark room and we couldn’t turn on the lights or make too much noise. Eighty percent of patients in the study done by the State University of New York responded positively to magnesium within fifteen minutes … Continue reading

Types of Headache

All headaches can be put into one of two categories: primary and secondary. Secondary headaches develop as result of an illness or injury. Head trauma, fever, and sinus infections can all cause secondary headaches. So can a cold or flu, strep throat, ear infection, or certain medications. You may even see a headache caused by more serious illnesses like meningitis or temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) and other jaw-related problems. Primary headaches develop by themselves, instead of as an effect of an injury or illness. A tension or stress headache is a primary headache. You may feel a tightening or pressure … Continue reading

Headaches and Kids

Headaches aren’t just for grown-ups. Discovering what triggers your child’s headaches can help you help them. Different things can cause headaches. Genetics: headaches tend to run in families. If you suffer from bad headaches or migraines, chances are your child might, too. Head injury: accidental bumps and bruises can leave your child with a headache. Call your doctor if your child falls hard on her head, or complains of a worsening headache after a head injury. Illness: a headache is often a symptom of sickness. Ear or sinus infections, colds and flu, and fevers can come with a headache. Environment: … Continue reading