Thinking About Potty Training

One of the joys of toddlerhood is potty training. Oh joy! Most toddlers are potty trained before they’re three. However, some toddlers are ready earlier while others don’t show signs of being ready until much later. So what’s a parent to do? The child may not be able to enter preschool if he or she is not potty trained. That’s a huge incentive for the parents, but not necessarily the child. One of the signs of readiness is when the child doesn’t like wearing a dirty diaper. I’m so lucky. My daughter doesn’t care and fights changing. Strike one! Another … Continue reading

Can’t wait until Monday!

I can’t believe it. The day has finally come. Ever since Lily was three days old, she has had a feeding tube. During one doctor’s visit, we were told not to be surprised if she needed it until she was two or three. He added that some kids have feeding tubes until they are five or six. “But they all grow out of them eventually,” he reassured us after noticing what I’m sure were looks of dismay on our faces. Over time, my wife and I grew to accept Lily’s feeding tube as a part of who she was… kind … Continue reading

Two Top Teeth

I feel like shouting from the rooftops! I feel like taking out a full-page advertisement in a newspaper! I feel like jumping up and down in a public place while screaming: MY SON HAS FOUR TEETH! I’m not entirely sure what this actually means for babies. Does this mean he’ll be eating steaks with Dad in the next couple of weeks? Does this mean that he’ll begin to start eating more adult foods with Mom and Dad? Does this mean that we’ll have be significantly more frightened about the possibility of him “biting off more than he can chew” and … Continue reading

Understanding Himself

While a title like “understanding himself” could end up being some sort of sentimental-type writing I’m at a loss for a better or more accurate title. My son is seven months old now and he’s obtained what can only be described (at the moment) as an understanding of himself and his environment. This seems to be a new chapter in his development as a human being. It is a very exciting realization and one that certainly reveals his personality more and more. I’m not entirely sure that there was a “moment” when this “understanding” became a reality. Some time during … Continue reading