Ask a Baby Blogger: Can a Baby Be Allergic to Breastmilk?

Question: I was told that my baby was fussy and spitting up so much because he was allergic to my milk. This doesn’t really make sense to me–can you explain it better? I hate to be the one to tell you this, but being allergic to breastmilk is not really possible. Babies simply are not allergic to their own mother’s milk. Healthy babies are designed to eat and what they eat is mother’s milk. Plain and simple. Anyone who tells you to switch to formula because your baby is allergic to your milk is not someone that you should be … Continue reading

It is Getting Harder to Outgrow Certain Food Allergies

Research from Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore, Maryland suggests that childhood allergies to milk and eggs are becoming harder to outgrow. An allergy to milk is the most common allergy seen in children — between two and three percent of all young children are affected. Egg allergy is the second most common allergy seen in children, affecting between one and two percent of the young child population. Research from just twenty years ago suggested that three-quarters of children would outgrow milk and egg allergies by the age of three. I should mention that I had a milk allergy when … Continue reading