Stocking Your Milk Bank 2

What do you do if a sudden illness or necessary absence prevents you from breastfeeding? Do you stop nursing altogether and put your baby on formula? There may be other options. In the last post, I started talking about establishing and stocking a milk bank. Now I’ll continue on this topic. Let us talk about what to put that milk into. You can use either the breastmilk bottles or the breastmilk bags. Bottles are certainly more convenient, but they do have their downside. The bottles are more expensive to purchase, and may will take up more room in your freezer. … Continue reading

Stocking your Milk Bank

Breastmilk is commonly called, “white gold” or “liquid gold,” because of its high value. Why not put some of this gold in a bank so you will be prepared for a rainy day. Establishing and stocking your own milk bank is a great idea. Sometimes the best-laid plans can change, affecting your ability to breastfeed. Maybe you have some dental work that requires medication. Or maybe you have to spend a few days in the hospital or away from your baby. Whatever the reason, when you have to stop nursing, it is a critical time for your breastfeeding relationship with … Continue reading