What to Do with Trash

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, we Americans produce approximately 220 million tons of garbage each year. In case you were wondering, that is enough trash to cover the entire state of Texas – twice! It is estimated that each of us produce, on average, about four pounds of garbage each day. That’s about all the statistics I am going to go into because math hurts my head, but let’s just say, we have tons of trash. Of course, you can use some of it to make compost, but, you can turn some of your other trash into useful items … Continue reading

Forget About Valentine’s Day Cards—Use A Milk Carton

Need a date for Valentine’s Day? Forget about finding one at the grocery store or the gym. Rather, use the method some Welsh dairy farmers are employing—putting single’s ads on milk cartons. It’s a twist on the American “Got Milk” campaign and it’s become a big hit in the far-flung countryside of Wales. The dairy farmers searching for Mr. or Ms. Right have attracted quite a bit of attention since they started the project a few weeks ago. One farmer who appears on the cartons admits that he hasn’t had a date in more than a year. Iwan Jones told … Continue reading