A Question A Week: Making Minimum Wage

This is ongoing series where I ask a question a week to my readers. To see the post where this all started, check this out. I have been a part of some of the largest WAHM (work-at-home mom) forums on the ‘net for a long time, and I have seen companies come onto the forums and ask for workers. “We pay $0.25 to do (whatever), it can be done at any time, day or night, and you can do as much as you want to. With the pay rate of $0.25 per item, you should make about $3.00 an hour. … Continue reading

Bear With Me…Just a Short Vent About “Mentality”

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be snobby or anything but people who think $8/hour is “great money” are forever destined to be poor and desperate. That’s just life folks. I’m amazed at how defensive people are about it, too”. First of all, let me start by telling you that I am going to vent tonight. While I try to use my blogging job as an opportunity to inspire and encourage other home-based moms (and dads), I am annoyed tonight and need to let off a bit of steam. I am an active member of a work-at-home forum where someone … Continue reading