Three Fun Yoga Poses for Kids

I’ve discovered that most children really enjoy yoga. It uses their imagination and it let’s them move around. There are many poses which they find entertaining, but here are a few to get started: 1. Tree Pose. While shoulder stands and Child’s Pose come naturally for kids, Tree Pose takes a few more steps to get started. Start standing. Press the bottom of one foot to the inside of the other leg, or to the thigh. Make sure that the foot is not pressing against the kneecap. As you get your balance, find a focal point (something that is motionless) … Continue reading

An Easy Way to Make Some Money–Expires January 31st 2007!

I just found this last night, and I thought, “How cool and easy; I have to pass this one on!” There is a company called Nutritional Tree, and they are in the business of reviewing thousands of health and beauty products such as Airborne, Men’s One-A-Day vitamins, and other popular (and not-so-popular) products. They not only supply these reviews, they will allow you, the reader, to rate and write reviews of your own. They are currently paying $1.00-$1.50 per review, depending on several factors. I signed up with them and made $3 within 15-20 minutes. They have several requirements, which … Continue reading