The Case of the Missing Earring 2

This is a three-part series. Although it concerns the events of mostly one day, the story is divided into three. You can only get so much of a good thing at one time. Plus, I like threes. I hope you will come back each day to read it all. Last night, in addition to the earring back, my husband and I found a second earring back and exactly one diamond earring. The other one was no where to be seen. Of course it could be anywhere in the house, depending on whether or not it was picked up by one … Continue reading

The Case of the Missing Earring

What happened to that little diamond earring? Was it gremlins or a thief who stole it away in the middle of the night? This is a three-part series. Although it concerns the events of mostly one day, the story is divided into three. You can only get so much of a good thing at one time. Plus, I like threes. I hope you will come back each day to read it all. Nothing can transform your house into chaos than turning it upside down looking for one little diamond earring. Today was supposed to be a day to catch up … Continue reading

When You Miss Your Kids

We often talk about how to cope with the demands of all the time constraints and responsibilities of single parenthood, but for many of us there are those times when our children are not with us. Whether we have to let them go for a weekend, a week or several months, dealing with the ache of missing our kids can be incredibly tough for a single parent… When I was first divorced, I found being away from my kids for more than a day to be extremely hard. I had spent so much time as the primary parent and my … Continue reading

Vivi The Dog—Fast Becoming One Of New York’s Urban Myths

Do you remember all of the news reports about Vivi the wayward pooch who escaped her travel cage at Kennedy airport to answer the call of the wild? It’s been nine months since she won an award of merit at the annual Westminster Kennel Club show, (the Super Bowl of dog shows) and fled the confines of the international airport. Now it seems the whippet has joined the Central Park coyote, high-rise tiger, Harlem Meer caiman and Molly the fugitive feline in New York’s ever-growing list of urban animal legends. Which is not to say that Vivi hasn’t been seen … Continue reading

Keep Your Eyes Peeled For Missing Capybara

It may be in Massachusettes. It may be in New York. Heck, it could be half way to Maine. It really is anyone’s guess. Authorities are on the trail of a missing capybara and they need your help. A what? A capybara. It is classified as the largest rodent in the world—many grow to 3 feet in length and weigh nearly 140 pounds. You’d think that it would stand out on a highway, but this particular capybara has alluded searchers for nearly a week. According to Massachusettes authorities, the large, beaver-like creature escaped from a petting zoo in Fitchburg while … Continue reading

When Children Go Missing

Today I received an email from a dear friend whose daughter has gone missing. My heart literally broke but I did the first things which came to mind. I prayed and then I called the temple and put the family name on the prayer roll. Latter-day Saints tend to respond differently to the tragedies of life. Yes, we cry. Without doubt, we grieve, but we tap into a strength that is connected to the heavens. As I pondered the situation, other thoughts poured into my mind. It is always difficult when the willful decisions of a child places them in … Continue reading