Challenge for 2009

Yesterday at church we had some of the members of the Huskisson Scripture Union beach mission team come to join us for the day. What a great service! The first song our music team sang, ‘People Just Like Us,’ made me think of my daughter over the other side of the world but doing exactly the same as what we were doing, worshipping Jesus. As the song says, ‘All Over the World people just like us are following Jesus, we’re worshipping Jesus.’ At about that time our daughter was giving her testimony in a service thousands of miles away. That … Continue reading

For the Good of Others

Each year our family gathers together over the Christmas period. Only twice has our while family not been together. Once was years back when our son and his wife were overseas, and I found that hard. Then this Christmas for the first time ever we did not have our daughter with us on Christmas day. She and her husband are overseas on a short term mission in a third world country. I admit when they first told me what they were thinking of going on mission, I was less than impressed. All I could think of was that our family … Continue reading

What Can I Do? – Part 2

Yesterday we looked at the importance of prayer in helping the spread of the gospel message throughout the world and in certain areas in particular. What else can we do to help? If your church has a link missionary it supports, get their newsletter and prayer points. As well as praying for their needs write them a letter or email letting them know you are praying for them and finding out more of their ministry. It is easier to pray and support people when they are more than just a name. So get to know the people involved in the … Continue reading

Creating a Home Business Culture

I know that the term “culture” has become a bit of a buzz word in recent years. Every business, company, family, and organization seems to be exploring what its “culture” is and we all talk about whether or not we fit in to a certain “culture.” We have appropriated a term that was used previously on a much larger scale and now use it for all sorts of small groups and organizations that we may be a part of. It is probably not surprising then that I think we can apply it to our small home businesses too. Surely you … Continue reading

Making Your Business More Socially Responsible

We have talked about ways to make your home business more “green” and the other day, I wrote about how some of us might want to make sure that our home business is relevant and serves and important purpose in our community or is making the world a better place. Another concern that some people have is whether or not their work is socially responsible? Does it matter to you if your home business is operating in a social responsible way and, if so, how can you make your business more socially responsible? I should first acknowledge that social responsibility … Continue reading

Are You Interested in a Relevant Business?

Perhaps this sounds a little off-putting, after all some of us are getting pretty tired of being politically correct. However, there is also growing interest in how to make ethics, values, and business merge more here in the West and I think that small business have more flexibility and can be more value-driven so as to make this even more of a consideration. Some of us even start our businesses BECAUSE we want to have more of an influence and be able to feel like our work is “relevant”—particularly relevancy in a social context. So, what does it mean to … Continue reading

Vacation Times

Vacation times are a great opportunity for God’s people to become involved in the community. Are you prepared to give up some of your vacation time, perhaps one week, to reach others with the gospel? Each year in January in two areas of Sydney, a mission known as The Green Tent operates. The Green Tent provides a service certainly for working parents who can safely leave children in supervised care. But more importantly the aim of those from the churches involved is to present children with the gospel message in a fun and varied atmosphere that includes bible stories, games, … Continue reading

Life Changing

On Sunday our church had the Huskisson Scripture Union beach Mission Team running our church service. The team of around 70 people come down to Huskisson each year and set up camp in the camping ground near Moona Moona Creek where they reach out to the campers with the gospel message. Each year around 2000 volunteers spend 10 days of their vacation involved in any one of 56 beach missions around New South Wales.One of the great ways of reaching out to people is through drama and the group treated us to the first part of a skit with Pirate … Continue reading

All About Jesus and Life

Recently at church our minister started off by telling of a Sunday school teacher who decided to try a different approach to open her lesson. She gave some clues and asked the class to guess the answer. Her first clue was, ‘I am grey and furry.’ The class looked at her blankly No-one raised their hand. ‘I have a large black nose.’ Still no answer. Puzzled the teacher scratched kept adding clues. ‘I live in gum trees.’ No child answered. ‘I eat eucalyptus leaves.’ Finally one child tentatively put up her hand and said, ‘I know the answer should be … Continue reading

Holy Huddles or Reaching Outwards

Are we in danger of creating holy huddles? It appears we are. In Australia it was revealed in our latest monthly church newsletter that 60% of those who do not attend church have, ‘no close friends involved in a church.’ That is a staggering statistic and one that needs to be changed. In an effort to change this situation and try and connect with these people currently outside the church, the Anglican Synod has started an evangelistic plan called Connect 09. It’s great there is a plan set up to get the Word of God out to more people, and … Continue reading