There is Nothing Like a Child to Remind You That You Don’t Know it All

I am not a dumb woman…at least I didn’t think so prior to becoming a parent. In fact, I was quite certain I had all sorts of knowledge and what I didn’t know, I figured I could find a way to learn it when I needed it. Being a parent, however, has been the one thing in my life that has humbly reminded me that there is so much in this world that I really DON’T know! It isn’t that my children tell me I’m stupid (at least they didn’t until they became teenagers and they don’t try to get … Continue reading

Coming to School in Your Slippers (And Other Dastardly Deeds)

I am a flawed human being, and probably an even more flawed parent—especially if you are to ask my children’s opinions on the matter. While I used to think I was pretty hip and funky, and I had all sorts of visions about the cool, fabulous parent I was going to be—I have done my share of embarrassing and ill-advised things and I doubt my children will ever let me live them down! The other day my eldest daughter told me she was horrified when her step-mother came to pick her up from a dance wearing a robe and slippers. … Continue reading

Aiming For Faster Recoveries

If something goes wrong or awry in your home business, how long does it take you to bounce back? In the beginning stages of our businesses, it may take us a while to figure out what has gone wrong, do the research to come up with solutions, and implement “the fix.” However, as we grow and build our businesses, one of our goals can be to have speedier recoveries so that we can get things moving again quicker. I think it helps that we learn from our mistakes. As we amass mistakes and “learning opportunities” in our home businesses, we … Continue reading

7 Common DIY Mistakes (1)

Doing it yourself (DIY) can be fun and profitable. But there are some times when a DIY project can go seriously wrong, costing you time and money. We’ll go through the seven most common DIY mistakes that most people make. This way, you can be sure to avoid making these mistakes yourself. Let’s start with the first mistake. One of the most common DIY mistakes, in fact, I am putting this down as number 1, is overestimating your skills for the project. I see this time and time again. People with little or no experience think they can do a … Continue reading

The Three Biggest No No’s People Do With Their Photographs

There are so many things that people do with their photographs or have done with their photographs in the past, that sincerely make me cringe. Of course, it is not just me that is cringing. The people who are dedicated to archival quality of photographs are cringing too. These three no-no’s are so common, it is scary. Please avoid these three horrible ideas at all costs. Marking the Photograph Do not, I repeat, do not mark on the back of your photograph with anything other than a photo pencil that has been created and designed to keep your photographs safe. … Continue reading

My Motherhood Hall of Shame

Okay, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to use the word “shame” since it has such negative and icky connotations, especially since there is a fair amount of humor intended in writing about this topic. I was recently chatting with my kids and they were reminding me of things that I had said and done that were examples of “faulty parenting.” You know, those moments when you say or do the wrong thing and your kids have it to hold over your head FOREVER… Recently, weary and exhausted from a long week and having to stay up late on a … Continue reading

The Last of the Common Photography Errors

All week, we have been discussing common photography errors. Understanding and learning about the errors, can only help us be better photographers in the long run. If we know the mistake can happen, we can do more to avoid it. Here are the last few common errors that a photographer can and does make. Be sure you do not. Poor Exposure This used to be a much more common problem with film cameras and with newer modern technology, it simply is not anymore. However, many photographers still use their film camera’s so it begs to be discussed. The main reason … Continue reading

Four More Common Errors Made in Photography

Mistakes happen. This is life. However, many errors that are made in photography, can actually be corrected by paying more attention. Here are four common photography errors and how to fix them. Partial Obstruction Admittedly, I’ve done it and I’m positive so have you. With camera straps dangling, and hair blowing in the wind, it sure doesn’t take much these days. Have you ever gotten your finger in the way? Yes, me too. The solution? Check your lens each time you are going to use your camera. Carry a soft camera cloth with you to wipe the lens frequently while … Continue reading

Three Common Errors Photographers Make

There are no real rules for a person who owns a camera, maybe “take lots of pictures”. Just because you own a camera, doesn’t mean you have to know much about it. However, if you are striving to be a better photographer, or you consider yourself beyond the point and shoot stage, there are a few things you need to realize can happen. It is entirely possible to avoid the most common problems, and being more aware of them can help your photographs be the best they can possibly be. Here are three common errors that photographers tend to make. … Continue reading

The Fear of Making Mistakes

Who wants to make mistakes? No one does, of course. Or at least, most of us would rather not have to bumble through or face the consequences of massive errors (or even small errors). But, in reality, the fear of making mistakes can keep us from taking the risks and chances necessary to try new things and build a thriving business. In order to feel free to try new things and come up with innovative ways to do business, we have to first free ourselves from the fear of making mistakes and errors that might be inhibiting us. Of course … Continue reading