Quirky Rules That Work

Is it possible for a mom to get some me time by simply announcing, “I don’t work past 8 P.M.”? According to an article in the July 2007 issue of Parenting, it really is that simple. The article was called, Quirky Rules that Work and assures readers that this simple strategy will have them off duty at a specific time each night. The plan is for moms to go off duty at their kid’s bedtime. Instead of saying that you won’t perform any mom duties after 8, you are supposed to say it’s a rule. According to the author, she … Continue reading

How to Make a Holiday To Do List

I know I’ve mentioned this numerous times, but I like to do lists and for Moms, to do lists are a must. But there is a way to make a to do list that is both practical and efficient. For new moms, this can be pretty hard and for moms with new babies, this can be even harder. So here’s a few tips on how to make a to do list that works for you and your family. Obligations versus Optional When you get sick or exhausted, you can actually look at your to do list with a more discerning … Continue reading

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming for a Mom Moment

Good morning, I know you’re busy and you’ve probably got a dozen things to do and you’ve only got about five hours or so until lunch – I’m not going to mention breakfast because that’s likely a cup of coffee or glass of water that you sip now and again when you have half a second between your little one’s feedings, getting something out for dinner and doing another load of the unending laundry pile. Whether You Work or Not…. ….you, the mom, are the head of your family. You are the one in charge of raising the children, cleaning … Continue reading

Yogic Walking

When it comes to finding time to work out or attend a yoga class, many moms (especially those with young children or babies) roll their eyes and grin. They don’t have time to have a quiet cup of coffee much less time for a class. There is something you can do that takes into account your need for time and your need for yoga. What is Yogic Walking? Yogic walking asks that you take a walk, striding in natural rhythm to your breathing. You don’t have to pant in order for footsteps to hit the ground at speed. Instead, you … Continue reading